xsharp.eu • Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.
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Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:00 am
by Phil Hepburn
Hi guys,

I have just completed a bit of a "large task", that of converting my demo conference apps from C# and Vulcan totally into X#. Apps from the two years in Cologne previous to this.

So far I have done the material from 2016 and 2015 and it is to be found at the 'OneDrive' link shown below. It is accompanied by the 'Power Point' slides and the specially written CHM files to explain what is going on etc. :-


The recent conversions (or translations) are concerning validation of data on WPF forms, and the complex checker I wrote to check inputs of the format of the Italian Fiscal Code.

For a bit of colour, fun, and motivation, here are some screen images of the two recent X# apps being tested. The whole topic covers many different ways of doing validation from simple to more complex, and also checking to see if any visual object (TextBox) is invalid at the point of trying to close down a form.

Please let me know if you have any issues finding and/or downloading the material from my 'OneDrive' system. Here are the images :-
Validation_01.jpg (112.36 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Validation_02.jpg (62.39 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Validation_03.jpg (113.08 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Validation_04.jpg (248.62 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Validation_05.jpg (65.85 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Validation_06.jpg (56.95 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Enough for now, I will post again about the "Italian Fiscal Code" app and what it does, and how it can be adapted to validate all kinds of 'complex format' required input data.

Bye for now,
Wales, UK.

Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:25 am
by Phil Hepburn
Hi guys,

You will also need this link :-


As it is a refreshed folder with the current Cologne 2015 app - the one with the nice pictures as seen below. Now this LINQ and EF6, with WPF data binding, and some MVVM approach, is thre for you to try if you wish.
Xport2015_02.jpg (64.22 KiB) Viewed 645 times

Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:35 pm
by robert

Thanks for sharing this and for giving X# a good workout.


Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:08 pm
by Phil Hepburn
Hi Robert,

You and my other friends, and colleagues, are more than welcome. Its good to be doing something useful ;-0)

Over the years I have had a GREAT deal of help, support, and good advice from VO/VN, and now XS guys.

Oh! a sideways question to this thread - I am well into looking at snippets in VS 2017 RC. I seem to be at a point where I am about to import my first snippet - BUT - am having a few issues.

Am I correct in thinking that I am not able to add a XML coded snippet into VS 2017 for XSharp - as yet !? All the right empty and named folders are there, in the right place.

The attached small image shows some warnings graphics in the folder icons :-
snippets_01.jpg (23.63 KiB) Viewed 645 times
Any suggestions ? Shall I hold on this one, or try to gain some practice by making a snippet in C# ?
snippets_02.jpg (85.63 KiB) Viewed 645 times
I have downloaded a tool called the Snippet Editor, but I don't know if this will be old and cause me issues. In the combo selection drop down in its top left corner it has 'Visual Studio 2010', which is never a great/good omen.

Speak later,
Wales, UK.

Past Conference material in X# syntax for download etc.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:11 pm
by robert

Yes, our installer already creates folders for the snippets.
But I am afraid that support for snippets (through the autocompletion feature) is not available yet. And also not through the ^K-X keyboard shortcut.
This is part of the intellisense that Fabrice is working on.
You can expect some support for this in the next build.
