Session of last week "X# and future .Net versions"
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:19 pm
I watched the session of last week "Beginner Level: X# and future .Net versions". Although interesting (thank you again for your time Robert!), my first impression: it doesn't look too hopefully if going to .Net 5 involves obscure command based tools and trying to solve .exe's not running using other obscure tools. And if Robert can't solve the cause of items not running in minutes it will probably mean days for me...
But maybe it's easier than it looked from the presentation. Do I summarize this correctly:
To prepare a program to compile in .Net5 I have to open the project file = the .xspoj file for X# and hack it:
- Add <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>
- Add <UseWindowsForms> True and/or <UseWindowsWPF>
- Add Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) in your program
I also saw something about a registry addition which was needed but couldn't find it back in the YouTube video.
Is this a correct conclusion?
If so:
1) Why can't I just set that in a property page like I do for e.g. .Net 4.7? When I need to start hacking XML files and use prompt based utilities it usually adds a factor 10 to the time I need to get it working
2) Why does (only?) using the registry require additional manual changes? Or in other words: what is so special about the registry that it doesn't work in .Net5 without extra manual work?
But maybe it's easier than it looked from the presentation. Do I summarize this correctly:
To prepare a program to compile in .Net5 I have to open the project file = the .xspoj file for X# and hack it:
- Add <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>
- Add <UseWindowsForms> True and/or <UseWindowsWPF>
- Add Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) in your program
I also saw something about a registry addition which was needed but couldn't find it back in the YouTube video.
Is this a correct conclusion?
If so:
1) Why can't I just set that in a property page like I do for e.g. .Net 4.7? When I need to start hacking XML files and use prompt based utilities it usually adds a factor 10 to the time I need to get it working
2) Why does (only?) using the registry require additional manual changes? Or in other words: what is so special about the registry that it doesn't work in .Net5 without extra manual work?