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X# and Xamarin

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:21 pm
by George

since December 2016, I have developed an Android application (with Xamarin and C#) where users see various measurements regarding company ship's voyage data.

Also, by incorporating Google Maps into the app, users see the course of ships displaying useful parameters for each waypoint.

I made an attempt today to convert the C# project to X# project:
- I changed the .SLN to look at .xsproj instead of .csproj
- change and rename .cs files to .prg files

After these changes, the solution normally opened in VS2017, but obviously I can not compilation because .xsproj says at the end:

<Import Project = "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)XamarinAndroidXamarin.Android.CSharp.targets" />

Looking at which languages ​​Xamarin supports, I saw that the folder:
C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildXamarinAndroid
contains 2 files:
Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets (for C#)
And Xamarin.Android.FSharp.targets (for F#)
(The 2 attachments in this message having .TXT extension at the end, in order to be able to attach them).

Because I have no knowledge at MSBuild level, I would like to ask if a corresponding file for X# can be produced.
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My C#/Xamarin application works well for over 6 months on users' mobiles and tablets, but I'd rather eventually transfer all C# and Vulcan projects to X#.


X# and Xamarin

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:02 am
by robert

At this moment we do not support Xamarin yet.
When we do then we will also release a similar targets file for X#.
However, supporting Xamarin requires more than just a special Targets file.
Xamarin also expects that the project system supports certain interfaces that we do not support yet.

We are planning to start working on extensions to the Visual Project System this Summer. Support for Xamarin, but also for .Net Core and portable class libraries are things we hope to add.


X# and Xamarin

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:13 am
by George

>However, supporting Xamarin requires more than just a special Targets file.


>We are planning to start working on extensions to the Visual Project System this Summer. Support for Xamarin, but also for .Net Core and portable class libraries are things we hope to add.

