xsharp.eu • X# Forum App
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X# Forum App

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 1:13 am
by rjpajaron
Hi Guys,

I am quite busy with schedule that got me offline most of the time that I need an offline reader of the forums.

Put a shutters on News Server won't matter to me as I am no longer a fan on that one, mostly because I only posted on web forums.

How about this: we shall create a X# Forum App for Android and iOS, something on top of my head: as a demo for X# with Xamarin or any JavaScript out there that can work together with X#.

Just my little suggestion..

Happy Sunday to all,


PS: "Attachments" button now appears in right location now. 3 days ago, it hinders my typing as it is floating in the bottom edge of this edit control that I need to press ENTER MANY TIMES to give me space to type.

X# Forum App

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:33 am
by robert

At this moment there is already the ability to use an RSS feed to view the (public) messages. You can open this feed in any RSS app on your mobile.
The link to this feed is on the bottom right of the forum index page.
Unfortunately this does not work for subscriber forums, since you need to be logged in to see these and (most?) RSS apps do not allow you to login to a website.


Here an example on my phone:
47B2E2A1-536C-4932-8D46-A4B59320C341.png (194.29 KiB) Viewed 365 times