xsharp.eu • Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008
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Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:12 pm
by jjgregg
We are furiosly porting our VO 2.7b applications to VO2.8 SP4 with the goal of jumping to X# with the least amount of complications possible.

Would appreciate sample code for VO that is compatible with X# to

0. Provide sample table for the sample code.
1. Connect to SQL server (ADO? show code and pls make sure that connection used in VO will work in X# with minimal modifications)
2. Locate a relational table
3. Read
4. Write

Our VO applications manage SQL servers several ways, we want to make sure we select the process of handling MS SQL that is compatible with X#.


Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:38 am
by wriedmann
Hi John,

since you have VO 2.8 and the sources to the SQL Classes, the X# development team will give you a tool to convert the SQL Classes code to X#. Otherwise a migration of all our applications to X# would not work.

AFAIK this tool is in the works and will be released later this year.

Anyway, it should be irrelevant what way do you are accessing your SQL data: with the migrated SQL classes there should be no major problem.

Since I myself rely on the SQL Classes for some of my own applications, I will need that to to migrate them to X#.

Later this year there is also planned a new SQL library compatible to the VO SQL classes, but based on ADO.NET.

If you need to access SQL now from native X# applications, you can use many ways, from ADO.NET to Entity Framework.

You will find some documents about the Entity Framework here:
These eNotes, written in the Microsoft Help Format, are work by Phil Hepburn. Unfortunately he these months is in holiday, but when the autumn and the winter reaches Wales, he will again show up here.

Not everyone has the luck to live in a country where it is warm nearly all the year.


Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:25 pm
by Stavros Spanos
Wolfgang, good to hear about SQL Classes tool for X#.

We also use them extensively...

Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:54 am
by TimothyS
Hi John,
I have a largish app in VO 2.8 that runs on the SQL servers. Converted it to Vulcan and still use the same SQL servers with minimal changes. Now have it running in X# with no changes for the SQL servers.


Sample code in VO compatible with X# to connect, R/W MS SQL 2008

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:14 am
by Phil Hepburn
Hi guys,

I have done all my SQL work over 10 years or more using standard .NET SQL 'stuff'. This was true in Vulcan and now all SQL sample apps work in X# with no need for much/any changes. These days I prefer to use the current Entity Framework version as it makes life easy, as does using LINQ with EF6.

I have had few issues with SQL in either Vulcan or X~, and have not used it in any other form - so althogh this made the learning curve 'steep indeed', it did all work in the end. Good Luck,