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Some other Visual Studio things I consider...suboptimal

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:30 pm
by Phil Hepburn
Hi Dick (and all guys),

I am reading this post using Vivaldi to host the XSharp Forum - interesting, I followed some of your tips in recent posts.

The amazing thing to me is that you make as much sense in what you say using Vivaldi as you did when I used Edge.

I was hoping for some improvement with this shiny new tool ;-0)

Have a nice evening - what's left of it.
Cheers to all,

Some other Visual Studio things I consider...suboptimal

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:42 pm
by Otto
Dick wrote:It's absolutely amazing that you write it doesn't work. Are you sure you are not using VO 1.0c ;) ?
Indeed, that is probably the reason. I probably stopped using/trying it after some version that mingled my [strike]precious[/strike] code. Should have tried the current state before posting it.
I still stand by my comment about multiline statements still doesn't look good. It is just not the way I want my code to be formatted.