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Different between Debug and Release in VS2017

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:46 pm
by Frank Müßner
Hi Chris, Hi Wolfgang,

I have found it!! :-)

See Picture
xs1.gif (9.57 KiB) Viewed 226 times

SqlDB is True !!


Do While ! SqlDB:Eof
Server:=SqlDB:FIELDGET(#pgserverip) -> there the crash

will called.
And then this Error. That is only in Release Version is coincidence, because coincidence. I can reproduce this with Debug Version.

Strange. And Intellisense is not more active, again.


Different between Debug and Release in VS2017

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:09 pm
by Chris
Hi Frank,

So what happens when you step over this line, an error message with the exact exception information should pop up.

Btw, there is a possibility that the highlighted in yellow color line of code is not really executed, in some cases the debugger shows one line below or above the actual line (this is in our todo list to fix). Please change the code like this:

Do While ! SqlDB:Eof
local dummy as int
dummy := 1
dummy += dummy
? dummy
Server:=SqlDB:FIELDGET(#pgserverip) -> there the crash

and step over the code again, does it stop again in the fieldget() line, even when SqlDB:Eof == true?


Different between Debug and Release in VS2017

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:32 am
by Frank Müßner
Hi Chris,

the Error after this Call is:
error1.png (72.41 KiB) Viewed 226 times

See the different values in Debugger:
error2.png (102.31 KiB) Viewed 226 times

Solution is to call SqlDB:gotop() after the Select. I don´t know if this is only with SqlSelect.
