Note | This command is only available in the FOXPRO dialect |
Declare a class name to the compiler.
[Attributes] DEFINE [Modifiers] CLASS <idClass> [AS <idParentClass>] [OF <classLib>] [OLEPUBLIC]
Attributes | An optional list of one or more attributes that describe meta information for am entity, such as for example the [TestMethod] attribute on a method/function containing tests in a MsTest class library. Please note that Attributes must be on the same line or suffixed with a semi colon when they are written on the line above that keyword. |
Modifiers | An optional list of modifiers that specify the visibility or scope of the entity, such as PUBLIC, PROTECTED, HIDDEN, INTERNAL, SEALED, ABSTRACT or STATIC. |
<idClass> | A valid identifier name for the class. A class is an entity and, as such, shares the same name space as other entities. This means that it is not possible to have a class and a global variable, for example, with the same name. |
AS <idParentClass> | The name of an existing class (called a superclass) from which the new class inherits methods and instance variables. The AS <idParent> clause is mandatory when compiled with /fox1+, and optional when compiled with /fox1-. When compiled with /fox1+, the compiler assumes that the parent class is either the Custom class or a class derived from the Custom class. |
OF <classLib> | This clause is parsed but ignored in X#. |
OLEPUBLIC | This clause is parsed but ignored in X#. |