Note | This command is defined in a header file and will be preprocessed by the X# preprocessor to a function call. If you disable the standard header (-nostddefs) files then this command will not be available. If you tell the compiler to use a different standard header file (-stddef ) then this command may also be not available |
Rebuild all orders in the order list of the current work area.
REINDEX [EVAL <lCondition> [EVERY <nRecords>]
EVAL <cbEval> | A code block that is evaluated at intervals specified by EVERY <nInterval>. The default interval is 1. This is useful in producing a status bar or odometer that monitors the ordering progress. The return value of <cbEval> must be a logical value. If <cbEval> returns FALSE, indexing halts. |
EVERY <nInterval> | A numeric expression that determines the number of times <cbEval> is evaluated. This option offers a performance enhancement by evaluating the condition at intervals instead of for every record processed. If no EVAL clause is specified, the EVERY keyword is ignored. |
REINDEX is functionally equivalent to DbReindex().
Caution! REINDEX does not recreate the header of the index file when it recreates the index. Because of this, REINDEX does not help if there is corruption of the file header. To guarantee a valid index, always use INDEX ON in place of REINDEX to rebuild damaged index files.
The following example re-indexes the orders in the current work area:
USE sales INDEX salesman, territory NEW
This example re-indexes using a progress indicator:
USE sales INDEX salesman, territory NEW
FUNCTION NtxProgress()
LOCAL cComplete := LTRIM(STR((RECNO() / ;
LastRec()) * 100))
@ 23, 00 SAY "Indexing..." + cComplete + "%"
DBCreateIndex(), DbCreateOrder(), DbReindex(), INDEX, PACK, SET INDEX, USE