Note | This command is defined in a header file and will be preprocessed by the X# preprocessor to a function call. If you disable the standard header (-nostddefs) files then this command will not be available. If you tell the compiler to use a different standard header file (-stddef ) then this command may also be not available |
Assign new values to the contents of one or more fields in the current record.
REPLACE <idField> WITH <uValue> [, <idField> WITH <uValue>...] [<Scope>] [WHILE <lCondition>]
[FOR <lCondition>] [[IN|ALIAS] <workarea>]
<idField> | The name of the field variable to assign a new value. If <idField> is prefaced with an alias or declared using FIELD <idField> IN <idAlias>, the assignment takes place in the designated work area. Otherwise, the current work area is assumed. |
WITH <uValue> | Defines the value to assign to <idField>. |
<Scope> | The portion of the current database file to process. The default is all visible records. Scope is one or more clauses of: [NEXT <NEXT>] Optionally specifies the number of records to process starting with the first record of the source file. [RECORD <rec>] An optional record ID If specified, the processing begins with this data record in the source file. [<rest:REST>] The option REST specifies whether records are sequentially searched only from the current up to the last record. If a condition is specified, the option ALL is the default value. [ALL] The option ALL specifies that all records from the source file are imported. This is the default setting. |
FOR <lCondition> | A condition that each visible record within the scope must meet in order to be processed. If a record does not meet the specified condition, it is ignored and the next visible record is processed. If no <Scope> or WHILE clause is specified, having a for condition changes the default scope to all visible records. |
WHILE <lCondition> | A condition that each visible record within the scope must meet, starting with the current record. As soon as the while condition fails, the process terminates. If no <Scope> is specified, having a while condition changes the default scope to the rest of the visible records in the file. |
IN|ALIAS <workarea> | Specifies the work area for which the operation must be performed |
REPLACE performs the same function as the assignment operator (:=), except that it assumes field variables.
Warning! When you REPLACE a key field, the index is updated and the relative position of the record pointer within the index is changed. This means that replacing a key field with a scope or a condition can yield an erroneous result. To update a key field, suppress the controlling order (with, for example, SET ORDER TO 0 or DBSetOrder(0)) before the REPLACE. This ensures that the record pointer moves sequentially in natural order and that all orders in the order list are updated properly.
Shared mode: For a shared database, this command requires all records that it operates on to be locked. You can accomplish this using one or more record locks or a file lock, depending on the scope of the command.
This example shows a simple use of REPLACE:
USE customer NEW
USE invoices NEW
REPLACE Charges WITH Customer->Markup * Cost,;
CustID WITH Customer->CustID,;
Customer->TranDate WITH TODAY()
Using assignment statements in place of the REPLACE command looks like this:
Invoices->Charges := Customer->Markup * ;
Invoices->CustID := Customer->CustID
Customer->TranDate := TODAY()
COMMIT, DbRLock(), DbSetOrder(), FLock(), RLock(), SET ORDER