X# has added two types of initializers to the language: collection Initializers and Object Initializers. The syntax for these is:
constructorcall : datatype { parameterlist? } initializer?
initializer : objectinitializer
| collectioninitializer
objectinitializer : { (memberinitializer (, memberinitializer)*)? }
memberinitializer : Name=identifierName := Expr=initializervalue
initializervalue : objectOrCollectioninitializer
| expression
collectioninitializer : { expression (, expression)* }
•The initializer which is also delimited by curly braces immediately follows the closing curly brace of the constructor call.
An example of an object initializer:
VAR oPerson := Person{}{FirstName := "John", LastName := "Smith"}
VAR oPerson := Person{"John", "Smith"} {Age := 35 }
An example of a collection initializer:
oList := List<Int>{} {1,2,3,4,5}
And combined:
Var oPeople := List<Person> {} {;
Person{}{FirstName := "John", LastName := "Smith"}, ;
Person{}{FirstName := "Jane", LastName := "Doe"} ;
The LINQ example topic shows different initializers in action.