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As of build X# also support Xbase++ style class declarations. Of course we have added strong typing to the language definition to make the code run faster.

Full documentation will be included in one of the next builds.
The code below shows the Xbase++ support in action


CLASS Developer
  class var list   as array     // class vars are like static variables.
  class VAR nextid as int
  class var random as Random
  VAR id as int NOSAVE           // the Nosave clause will mark the field with the [NonSerialized] attribute
  VAR FirstName     as string
  VAR LastName     as string
  VAR Country       as string
  // The inline prefix in the next line is needed when declaring a method inside the class .. endclass block.
  INLINE METHOD initClass()     // The Xbase++ equivalent of the Static constructor
     list := {}
     nextid := 1
     random := Random{}
  INLINE METHOD Init(cFirst as string , cLast as string, cCountry as string)   // Init is the constructor
    // you can use :: instead of SELF:
     ::FirstName := cFirst      
     ::LastName := cLast
     ::Country  := cCountry
     ::id := nextid
     nextid += 1
     aadd(list, SELF)
  INLINE Method SayHello() as STRING
    if ::Age < 40
        RETURN "Hello, I am " + ::FirstName+ " from "+::Country
        RETURN "Hello, I am mr " + ::LastName+ " from "+::Country+" but you can call me "+::FirstName
  INLINE METHOD FullName() as string
    RETURN ::FirstName + " " + ::LastName
INLINE METHOD Fire() as logic
  local nPos as dword
   nPos := Ascan(list, SELF)
  if nPos > 0  
       aDel(list, nPos)
       ASize(list, aLen(list)-1)
      return true
  return false
  // the next block contains forward declarations. The methods has to be declared below the class .. endclass block
  // SYNC method makes sure that only one thread can run this code at the same time
  // ACCESS indicates a PROPERTY GET
  // ASSIGN indicates a PROPERTY SET
  ACCESS CLASS METHOD Length as dword
  ACCESS METHOD Age as int
// This is the implementation of LivesIn. SYNC does not have to be repeated here
METHOD LivesIn(cCountry as string) as logic
return lower(::Country) == lower(cCountry)
// This is the implementation of the AGE Property. ACCESS does not have to be repeated here
METHOD Age() as int
  local nAge as int
  nAge  := random:@@Next(25,60)
  return nAge
// This is the implementation of the Length Property. ACCESS does not have to be repeated. CLASS however must be specified.
CLASS METHOD Length as dwor
  return ALen(list)
// the entry point is Main() like in Xbase++
function Main(a) as int
local oDeveloper as Developer
local aDevs := {} as array
local i as int
if PCount() > 0
    ? "Parameters"
    for i := 1 to PCount()
     ? _GetFParam(i)
 // create a new object with Xbase++ Syntax. Developer{} would have worked as well.
 aadd(aDevs, Developer():New("Chris", "Pyrgas", "Greece"))
 aadd(aDevs, Developer():New("Nikos", "Kokkalis","Greece"))
 aadd(aDevs, Developer():New("Fabrice", "Foray","France"))
 aadd(aDevs, Developer():New("Robert", "van der Hulst","The Netherlands"))
 ? "# of devs before", Developer.Length
for i := 1 to alen(aDevs)
   oDeveloper := aDevs[i]
  ? "Fields", oDeveloper:FirstName, oDeveloper:LastName, oDeveloper:Country
  ? "FullName",oDeveloper:FullName()
  ? oDeveloper:SayHello()
  ? "Greece ?", oDeveloper:LivesIn("Greece")
   ? "Fired", oDeveloper:Fire()
   ? "# of devs after firing", oDeveloper:FirstName, Developer.Length
RETURN  PCount()