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The -highentropyva compiler option tells the Windows kernel whether a particular executable supports high entropy Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).


-highentropyva[+ | -]


+ | -This option specifies that a 64-bit executable or an executable that is marked by the -platform:anycpu compiler option supports a high entropy virtual address space. The option is disabled by default. Use -highentropyva+ or -highentropyva to enable it.


The -highentropyva option enables compatible versions of the Windows kernel to use higher degrees of entropy when randomizing the address space layout of a process as part of ASLR. Using higher degrees of entropy means that a larger number of addresses can be allocated to memory regions such as stacks and heaps. As a result, it is more difficult to guess the location of a particular memory region.


When the -highentropyva compiler option is specified, the target executable and any modules that it depends on must be able to handle pointer values that are larger than 4 gigabytes (GB) when they are running as a 64-bit process.


To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment


1.Open the project's Properties page.

2.Click the Build property page.

3.Add the option in the "Extra Command Line options" property