The -ins option specifies whether the compiler should automatically include namespaces from assemblies compiled in VO/Vulcan dialect marked with the ImplicitNameSpaceAttribute.
+ | - | Specifying +, or just -ins, directs the compiler to automatically include namespaces from assemblies marked with the VulcanImplicitNameSpaceAttribute. |
Class Libraries can be compiled with a special attribute:
[assembly: VulcanImplicitNamespaceAttribute( "SomeNameSpace )]
This attribute tells the compiler that classes that are placed inside that namespace should be automatically included when searching for classes, as if there was a #using SomeNameSpace statement in the source code.
1.Open the project's Properties page.
2.Click the Language tab.
3.In the Namespaces section, modify the Enable Implicit Lookup of Namespaces property.
4.Click here to see the property page.