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The type or namespace name 'name' does not exist in the namespace 'namespace' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


A type was expected. Possible causes for this error include the following:


An assembly that contains the definition of a type was not referenced in the compilation; use /reference (Import Metadata) to specify the assembly

You passed a variable name to the typeof operator.

You tried to reference an assembly that is not part of your target .NET Framework profile. For more information, see Troubleshooting .NET Framework Targeting Errors.


If you see this error after moving code from one development machine to another, make sure that the project on the new machine has the correct references, and that the versions of the assemblies are the same as on the old machine. You can also use the Object Browser to inspect an assembly and verify whether it contains the types that you expect it to contain.


The following sample generates XS0234:



// XS0234.prg