A short message to inform you about our progress and the upcoming 2.10 release.
The first 2.10 version (with VS2022 support) has been tested by a small group of customers.
They have reported a few issues and a second build that fixes the issues has been released to them today.
We hope to be able to release this build to the rest of the FOX subscribers next week (week 3)
A public version of X# 2.10 should then be released one week later (week 4).
We are also working on our development Roadmap for 2022. More news about that in a few weeks.
But it will be no surprise that the following items will be on the list (some of these were promised before):
- VO GUI and SQL classes based on Windows Forms and Ado.Net (these are almost done)
- Improved FoxPro compatibilty with a FoxPro converter
- Support for .Net Core / .Net 5 and .Net 6
- Some new language features from C# 10, such as GLOBAL USING and File Scoped Namespaces.
- Our projects codenamed 'Delft' (short term FoxPro SQL support ) and 'Xanthi'
(Long term hybrid SQL/Table based data access support with a client server solution like ADS) - Continued work on bug fixes and language enhancement
Finally we are planning to do a session about the X# RDD system on Thursday Jan 27, 16:00 CET (GMT+1).
Stay tuned !