A short message with a status update about 2 things:

The X# Summit in Memmingen

The way it looks now we will be able to hold our X# Summit in Memmingen just like we originally planned. Of course we don't have a crystal ball, so nothing is 100% sure, but we are fairly confident that we will be able to it, when most of us keep behaving responsibly, like we have done in the past months. We have decided extend the "early bird" period until Aug 31.

We also realize that there are people that would like to attend but are not able to come, due to the circumstances .
For them we would like to add the option to watch the sessions of our Summit online. We are not certain yet if that will be "live" or "recorded". That also depends on the interest for this.

The registration fee for the "Virtual Summit" will be EUR 49,-. For that you will get access to the recordings or life transmissions of the event and the session material. Being there is better of course, but we think that this will at least be a good fall back scenario.

And in case we all get hit by a second wave of Corona, we will most likely do the whole event online, like many others are doing as well. But as you will understand, we prefer to do it in a real physical event.

And in case you were wondering about the sessions: due to the Corona outbreak we have delayed the speaker and session selection. We hope to have the speaker and session list available mid July. If you are interested to speak or have a topic suggestion, please let us know !

The next build: X# 2.5 Cahors

We are completing our internal testing for the next X# build, which will be called "Cahors". This build contains some bug fixes and improvements in the runtime, but we think the biggest change (although not really visible) is in our Visual Studio integration. We have rewritten important parts of the editor support code and the parsers. We are now also persisting the "code model" for your project, so loading a solution will be faster and you will experience less "hickups".

This new build will most likely be released by the end of this week.


Coming Saturday, June 20, there is an online event, catted "Live Coders Conference". Click here for more information.

We are sponsoring this event and we are giving away 2 free one year subscriptions to the Friends Of XSharp program for the right answers to 2 trivia questions we have contributed.

The event is transmitted over Twitch and previous events were a great success with many (virtual) attendees.

This is very recommended and a lot of fun !


CodeParty+live coders conference+Twitter 




Coming Thursday May 28 at 16:00 Amsterdam time we'll have another online presentation.
This week will be a bit different from previous weeks.

In the first half of the session we would like to share with you some of the things we are working on, so you get an idea about what keeps us busy.

The second half of the event is meant for Questions and Answers.

Of course you can also use our forum for questions, and we always will do our best to answer these as good as possible, but the idea of this session to spend some time on more "philisophical" questions, like the question about "how do you guys approach error handling in the runtime" that was asked recently.

And if have a question that might need some preparation from our side, please post these before the event, so we can prepare ourselves.

The recording of the session can be found in our Youtube channel



Coming Thursday May 21 at 16:00 Amsterdam time we'll have another online presentation.
This weeks presenter is Fabrice Foray, our devteam member from France.

The topic for this week will be an intermediate level topic about Lambda Expressions, Codeblocks and LINQ

Some of the topics we'll look at:

  • What is a Lambda Expression
  • How does this relate to Delegates
  • How does this relate to Anonymous methods
  • What is the difference between a Lambda Expression and a Codeblock
  • Where do you use a Lambda Expression
  • What is LINQ
  • What is an anonymous type
  • Which extension methods from the LINQ namespace can be useful even without LINQ

The video of the recorded session is available in the XSharp Youtube channel

The examples from this and earlier online sessions can be found in the download session on this website

Coming Thursday May 14 at 16:00 Amsterdam time we'll have another online presentation.
This week it will be a somewhat more advanced topic: the X# RDD system, but we'll do our best to explain things as good as possible, so it will still be interesting to everybody.

Some of the topics we'll look at

  • RDD Related commands and how they are mapped to Functions
  • How the Db..() and VoDb..() functions are mapped to the RDD system
  • The various interfaces and types that are part of the RDD System
  • How you can register an event handler that will be notified of record movements, updates etc for ALL workareas. This can be used for logging purposes
  • How you can "wrap" a single RDD object for a single workarea and intercept or override single methods. You can use this for logging too, but you can also use this to add or change behavior of existing RDDs
  • How you can create your own custom RDD (possibly inheriting from one of our RDDs) and how you can tell X# use that RDD.

We expect that the duration of his session will be between 45 minutes and 1 hour. That means that we can't discuss every little detail (and there are actually a lot of important details in this area) .
But since the sourcecode of our RDD system is on Github we think you will be able to find your way in our code and discover the rest yourself.

Update, Friday May 15

The event yesterday was a success, but unfortunately most of the recording was lost because Robert had to reset his computer due to technical problems.
We have rescheduled the event on Monday May 18, at 09:00 Amsterdam time (GMT +2). We will start the session at the point where we were interrupted on Thursday : after the explanation about how commands are mapped to function calls using UDCs. If you want to join (again): we will use the same Zoom session ID for this event.
Hopefully this is a better time for our friends in Asia and Down Under, so they will have the chance to join "live" as well


The recorded video from both sessions can be seen in our Youtube channel