Wednesday March 20, 2019     
From Until Topic Speaker
17:00 18:30 Welcome Reception and Happy Hour
Opal Divine's (entrance via the hotel lobby)
18:30   Dinner on your own  
Thursday March 21, 2019     
From Until Topic Speaker
09:00 09:15   Welcome and Opening X# Team
09:15 10:30 Migrating your Visual Objects applications to X# Robert
10:30 10:45 Break  
10:45 12:00 Multithreading and asynchronous programming with X# Nikos
12:00 13:00 Lunch  
13:00 14:15 Using X# (and C#) to interface to REST services Steve
14:15 14:30 Break  
14:30 15:45 X# Language improvements compared to Visual Objects and Vulcan.Net. Robert
15:45 16:00 Break  
16:00 17:00 Lessons from Robot Soccer; How to design and maintain software
for an autonomous team of robots playing soccer.
18:15   Meet in hotel lobby for transportation to dinner  
18:30 22:00 Dinner at Guero's Taco Bar  
Friday March 22, 2019     
From Until Topic Speaker
09:00 10:15 Understanding and making the most of X# and the X# runtime Robert
10:15 10:30 Break  
10:30 11:45 Into the X# compiler: Roslyn, scripting and the macro compiler Nikos
11:45 12:00 Break  
12:00 13:00 Closing session, The future of X# and Q&A X# Team
13:30   Meet in hotel lobby for transportation to lunch  
14:00   Lunch at Able's on the lake  

List of Speakers and description of sessions

Austin small
2 weeks from now we will have our 'X# Summit' in Austin Texas, on March 21 and March 22.
We still have some free spots on this conference, and we'd really like to meet you there.

With the kind help of QLAdmin in Austin we have organized an interesting event.
More information about the event can be found on our website:

If you are interested to come, please send us an email at
Unfortunately the "early bird" discounts for the hotel are over, but they have rooms left:

We hope to see you in Austin !

On behalf of the X# development team.

Robert van der Hulst

It's time for a short progress report. XSharp build has been received very well by most of you.There were a few small problems and most of these have been tackled and in most cases a new DLL was created and delivered.

If you look at our GitHub repo you will have noticed that the work on the DBFCDX is progressing also. At this moment index opening and index creation is working, as well as skipping and seeking. The files created are binary compatible with the same files creates in VO and Vulcan. Actually in some rare cases we found a problem in the VO and Vulcan implementation. In the coming days we will finish the work in the CDX driver by implementing updating , deleting and inserting keys in existing indices. When that is finished we will produce a new build.

In the compiler and macro compiler a few small changes were made, nothing big,

Of course we are also preparing for the X# summit in Austin. We hope to see many of you there. If you have not registered yet, it is not too late Please send us an email and we will take care of the late registration.


We are very proud that we can announce that we have just released XSharp Bandol 9 "Winter has come" to our FOX subscribers.
This new version has some new features and bug fixes. To name a few:

  • We have added support for XBase "dynamic memory variables" (PUBLIC, PRIVATE etc)
  • Some bug fixes in the compiler
  • Some bug fixes in the new macro compiler
  • Some bug fixes and new functions in the runtime
  • Some bug fixes in the VS Integration
  • We have rearranged the Project Properties dialog in the VS Integration. "Include path" and "Suppress standard header file" are no longer configuration dependent but there is one setting for all configurations.


{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

Austin small

The X# Summit in Austin is getting closer and closer. We are preparing everything for a great event.
If you haven't registered yet, now is the time to do so. The special hotel room price will expire on Feb 15, but apart from that we'd like to know a.s.a.p. if you are coming so we can confirm and reserve everything with the hotel and others involved.

The session schedule will become available in a week or two from now.

Click here for more details about the event, the preliminary list of speakers and sessions and how to reserve.

We hope to meet you in Austin !