xsharp.eu • XSharp Bandol 2.10a
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XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:11 pm
by cecilchamp
XSharp Bandol 2.10a - Going to try this release out. Anyone used it yet?

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:23 am
by FoxProMatt
Cecil - You posted in in the Public FoxPro forum, and there is another (private) FOX Subscribers forum at https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/private-vfp.

So far, 2.10a has only been released to FOX Subscribers. I bet if you post in that forum, you might get some feedback from there.

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 1:06 am
by cecilchamp
Oops! I didn't realize that.
Thanks Matt!

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:07 am
by wriedmann
Hi Cecil,
AFAIK most of the active X# users are living in Europe like me - and for us the day is starting now (it is 6:03 in the morning here in Italy).
I have installed thw new build yesterday (after having effectively worked with a prerelease for a few days now). My code compiles and my applications (the few I have tried before going to sleep) worked.
I will work with X# today for at least 8 hours, and if there is something broken I will report it.
But I'm working mostly with the Core dialect (using the runtime to access my DBF databases).

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:12 pm
by cecilchamp
Wolfgang, is the Core Dialect in the documentation? In other words, if I want to only use the Core Dialect, is there enough documentation for me to get started? And examples?

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:30 pm
by lumberjack
Hi Cecil,
cecilchamp wrote:Wolfgang, is the Core Dialect in the documentation? In other words, if I want to only use the Core Dialect, is there enough documentation for me to get started? And examples?
Yes and no... :)
Starting with Fabrice's Hello world, that is the Core dialect in crude form in action.

Lets look at a few basics:

Class creation:

Code: Select all

LOCAL oForm AS System.Windows.Forms.Form
oForm := System.Windows.Forms.Form{}
oForm:Size := System.Drawing.Size{100, 100}
Lets make use of namespace for the example:

Code: Select all

#using System.Windows.Forms
#using System.Drawing

// Note you can also use "()" instead of "{}", and "." instead of ":"
LOCAL oForm AS Form
oForm := Form{}
oForm:Size := Size{100, 100}
Basically the whole of the .NET framework is at your fingertips, hence any Google search will bring back zillions of c# examples that can be XBased quite easily.

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:04 pm
by wriedmann
Hi Cecil,
is the Core Dialect in the documentation? In other words, if I want to only use the Core Dialect, is there enough documentation for me to get started? And examples?
The Core dialect was the first dialect in X# - it is basically a C# with Xbase syntax.
The Core dialect does not need any runtime, and uses the .NET Framework.
That means: no date datatype, no codeblock, no array, no DBF access, no macrocompiler.
In this manner I was able to put the first (small) X# application into production - only 6 months after the release of the first version, and long before the runtime was released.
And currently most of my X# applications I have in production are using the Core dialect, and a few of them use a special library (in VO dialect) to access DBF tables.
For samples you should install XIDE and play with the samples there - a few of them were written by myself.
And a documentation you need only the syntax documentation and then the relative documentation of the libraries you like to use: Windows Forms, WPF, Ado.NET, ...

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:17 pm
by Jamal
Hi Johan,

Code: Select all

#using System.Windows.Forms
#using System.Drawing
I am sure you already know that, but just a note for new comers:

The using statement does not need a # prefix.


XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 4:49 am
by lumberjack
Jamal wrote: The using statement does not need a # prefix.
You are correct... Old habits just never die...

XSharp Bandol 2.10a

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:09 am
by wriedmann
Hi Johan,

... and the samples in XIDE are using also the old notation....
