xsharp.eu • Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second
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Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:27 pm
by ic2
I need to check for a number of records of 1 database if an entry was created in another one. This is often done on the same second as in database 1, but not always. I could try searching a few more values, each one second later, if not found on the exact time.

This obviously means not only the last second gets one higher but at e.g. 15-1-2025 23:59:59 even the date changes.

Does anyone have some VO code that is handling this and willing to share that?

(Yes I know I can use X# for that as DateTime.AddSeconds(Double) takes care of this all. But the VO programs currently still running for clients will most likely remain VO programs and adding this method in my X# library called from VO usually means I have to go through a lot of troubleshooting first because of Side By Side errors or existing code which doesn't compile anymore in the new X#....I'll only do that if there's no other way).

Speaking of Side By Side errors: I've got one client who gets this error most first time she starts our VO program (using an X# lib, hence this error). She tries again and it starts without the error. The very same program always starts the first time on my system.

How can this be?


Re: Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:53 am
by ArneOrtlinghaus
Hi Dick,
I have attached some functions. They are based on the "ANSI-Timestamp-Format" as it is used in the VO-SQL-Library:
Basically the concept is to convert the timestamp string into an array with a VO date and seconds since midnight. Then something can added or substracted to the date or the seconds. Afterwards the two values can be transformed back to a timestamp string.


Re: Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:34 pm
by ic2
Hello Arne,

Thank you very much, that looks promising. I do miss a few things however, only one I think I would need what you have there:

cTimeStamp := Left(DToCSQLBase( dDate ) + " " + cTime, 19)

(+MsgInternalErrorlimited + trimcrlf; one shows an error message and I think the 2nd removes CRLF from a string.

Could you upload DToCSQLBase as well?


Re: Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:09 am
by ArneOrtlinghaus
Hi Dick,

here are the missing functions. The MsgError-Functions can be substituted or left away.

func DToCSQLBase(dDate as date) as string
local nDay as usual // usual wegen Problemen mit StrZero
local nMonth as usual
local nYear as usual

nDay := Day(dDate)
nMonth := Month(dDate)
nYear := Year(dDate)

return Str(nYear, 4) +"-" + StrZero(nMonth, 2)+"-"+ StrZero(nDay, 2)

function TrimCRLF (cText := nil as usual) as string
local n, nOrigin as int
if IsNil (cText)
return ""
n := nOrigin := int(SLen(cText))
do while n >= 1 .and. ;
InList (SubStr3 (cText, dword(n), 1), " ", _chr(ASC_CR), _chr(ASC_LF))
if n == nOrigin
return cText
elseif n = 0
return null_string
return SubStr3 (cText, 1, dword(n))


Re: Does anyone have a function for VO to increase date/time per second

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:27 pm
by ic2
Thank you very much. This will be very useful for what I want to check.

One small thing I was wondering: how can

Code: Select all

		RETURN (INT)fret
compile for you (compiler says Bad statement syntax 51402)

I changed it to

Code: Select all

		RETURN Integer(fret)
and then it works.
