ACEUNPUB Methods | |
The ACEUNPUB type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
| AdsAccessVfpSystemField(IntPtr, String, String, DWord, Word) | |
| AdsAccessVfpSystemField(IntPtr, DWord, String, DWord, Word) | |
| AdsActivateAOF | |
| AdsAddToAOF | |
| AdsBackupDatabase | |
| AdsBuildKeyFromRecord | |
| AdsClearCursorAOF | |
| AdsClearLastError | |
| AdsClearRecordBuffer | |
| AdsCloseCachedTrigStatements | |
| AdsConvertDateToJulian | |
| AdsConvertJulianToString | |
| AdsConvertKeyToDouble | |
| AdsConvertMillisecondsToString | |
| AdsConvertStringToJulian(Char, Word, Double) | |
| AdsConvertStringToJulian(String, Word, Double) | |
| AdsConvertStringToMilliseconds | |
| AdsCopyTableStructure81 | |
| AdsCopyTableTop | |
| AdsCreateCriticalSection | |
| AdsCreateMemTable | |
| AdsCreateMemTable90 | |
| AdsDBFDateToString | |
| AdsDDAutoCreateIndex | |
| AdsDDAutoCreateTable | |
| AdsDDClose | |
| AdsDDCreateASA | |
| AdsDDCreateFunction | |
| AdsDDCreateLinkPre71 | |
| AdsDDCreatePackage | |
| AdsDDDisableTriggers | |
| AdsDDDropFunction | |
| AdsDDDropLinkPre71 | |
| AdsDDDropPackage | |
| AdsDDEnableTriggers | |
| AdsDDExecuteProcedure | |
| AdsDDGetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Byte, Word) | |
| AdsDDGetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Char, Word) | |
| AdsDDGetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Word, Word) | |
| AdsDDOpen | |
| AdsDDSetActiveDictionary | |
| AdsDDSetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Byte, Word) | |
| AdsDDSetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Char, Word) | |
| AdsDDSetObjectProperty(IntPtr, Word, String, String, Word, Word, Word) | |
| AdsDDSetTriggerProperty | |
| AdsDDVerifyUserRights | |
| AdsDeactivateAOF | |
| AdsDeleteFile | |
| AdsDeleteTable | |
| AdsEcho | |
| AdsEvalExpr | |
| AdsExpressionLongToShort | |
| AdsExpressionLongToShort90 | |
| AdsExpressionShortToLong | |
| AdsExpressionShortToLong90 | |
| AdsExtractPathPart | |
| AdsFreeExpr | |
| AdsGetBaseFieldName | |
| AdsGetBaseFieldNum | |
| AdsGetColumnPermissions | |
| AdsGetCursorAOF | |
| AdsGetFieldRaw(IntPtr, String, Byte, DWord) | |
| AdsGetFieldRaw(IntPtr, DWord, Byte, DWord) | |
| AdsGetFTSScore | |
| AdsGetIndexFlags | |
| AdsGetIndexPageSize | |
| AdsGetNullRecord | |
| AdsGetNumSegments | |
| AdsGetPreparedFields | |
| AdsGetROWIDPrefix | |
| AdsGetSegmentFieldname | |
| AdsGetSegmentFieldNumbers | |
| AdsGetSegmentOffset | |
| AdsGetSQLStmtParams | |
| AdsGetTableWAN | |
| AdsGotoBOF | |
| AdsInternalCloseCachedTables | |
| AdsIsIndexExprValid | |
| AdsIsSegmentDescending | |
| AdsLockRecordImplicitly | |
| AdsMemCompare | |
| AdsMemCompare90 | |
| AdsMemICompare | |
| AdsMemICompare90 | |
| AdsMemLwr | |
| AdsMemLwr90 | |
| AdsMergeAOF | |
| AdsPerformRI | |
| AdsPrepareSQLNow | |
| AdsReadRecordNumbers | |
| AdsReadRecords | |
| AdsRefreshView | |
| AdsReleaseObject | |
| AdsRemoveSQLComments | |
| AdsRestoreDatabase | |
| AdsSetBaseTableAccess | |
| AdsSetBOFFlag | |
| AdsSetCollationSequence | |
| AdsSetCursorAOF | |
| AdsSetFieldRaw(IntPtr, String, Byte, DWord) | |
| AdsSetFieldRaw(IntPtr, DWord, Byte, DWord) | |
| AdsSetFlushFlag | |
| AdsSetInternalError | |
| AdsSetLastError | |
| AdsSetPacketSize | |
| AdsSetProperty | |
| AdsSetRecordPartial | |
| AdsSetTableCharType | |
| AdsSetTimeStampRaw(IntPtr, String, UInt64, DWord) | |
| AdsSetTimeStampRaw(IntPtr, DWord, UInt64, DWord) | |
| AdsSetupRI | |
| AdsSqlPeekStatement | |
| AdsStepIndexKey | |
| AdsValidateThread | |
| AdsVerifyRI | |
| AdsWaitForObject | |
| ObsAdsDecryptBuffer | |
| ObsAdsEncryptBuffer | |
TopSee Also