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DbfAutoIncrementColumn Methods


The DbfAutoIncrementColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodBlankValue
Return the blank (non null) value of the column.
(Inherited from RddFieldInfo.)
Public methodClone
Clone a RddFieldInfo object.
(Inherited from RddFieldInfo.)
Public methodCopyValues
Copy values from one object to another.
(Inherited from RddFieldInfo.)
Public methodEmptyValue
Get the default "empty" value, as you would get at EOF
(Inherited from DbfIntegerColumn.)
Public methodGetValue
Get the value from the buffer
(Inherited from DbfIntegerColumn.)
Public methodHandleNullValue
Handle NULL values.
(Inherited from DbfColumn.)
Public methodInitValue
Initialize the buffer used for appends. Gets called once when a DBF is opened.
(Inherited from DbfIntegerColumn.)
Public methodNewRecord
Update the buffer after appending. For example for AutoIncrement or TimeStamp columns.
(Overrides NewRecord(Byte).)
Public methodPutValue
Write the value to the buffer
(Overrides PutValue(Object, Byte).)
Public methodRead
Read the next autoincrement number from the dbf header
Public methodSameType
Check if two fields match in type, length and decimals.
(Inherited from RddFieldInfo.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from RddFieldInfo.)
Public methodValidate
Validate combinations of type, length and decimals.
(Inherited from DbfIntegerColumn.)
Public methodWrite
Write the next autoincrement number to the dbf header
See Also