List of Functions |
The Functions type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
_accept |
Take input from the keyboard and assign it to a memory variable.
| |
_accept(String) |
Take input from the keyboard and assign it to a memory variable.
| |
_ArrayToObjectArray | Helper function to convert ARRAY to OBJECT[] | |
_ArrayToUsualArray | Helper function to convert ARRAY to USUAL[] | |
_Break |
Branch out of a BEGIN SEQUENCE...END construct.
| |
_CallClipFunc(String, Array) | Call a clipper function by name | |
_CallClipFunc(String, Usual) | Call a function by name | |
_CreateInstance(String, Usual) |
Create an object.
| |
_CreateInstance(Type, Usual) |
Create an object.
| |
_GetMRandID | ||
_HasClipFunc | ||
_MClear |
Clear all memory variables (all public variables and the private variables of the current thread)
| |
_MRelease |
Release variables that match a certain wildcard pattern
| |
_MRestore |
Recreate public and private variables previously saved to a file and initialize them with their former values.
| |
_MSave |
Copy public and private memory variables visible within the current routine to a disk file.
| |
_MxRelease |
Release one or more memory variables variables.
| |
_NoAlias | ||
_ObjectArrayToUsualArray | Helper function to convert OBJECT[] to USUAL[] | |
_PrivateCount |
Count private variables
| |
_PrivateEnum |
Enumerate private variables
| |
_PrivateFirst |
Enumerate private variables
| |
_PrivateNext |
Enumerate private variables
| |
_PublicCount |
Count public variables
| |
_PublicEnum |
Enumerate public variables
| |
_PublicFirst |
Enumerate public variables
| |
_PublicNext |
Enumerate public variables
| |
_RegisterExit | Obsolete. | |
_Select |
Determine the number of a work area.
| |
_SelectString |
Determine the number of a work area.
| |
_SequenceError |
This function is automatically inserted by the compiler in a RECOVER USING block and gets called when the
RECOVER USING block is reached because of an exception.
| |
_SequenceRecover |
This function is automatically inserted by the compiler in a compiler generated
RECOVER USING block when you have a BEGIN SEQUENCE .. END SEQUENCE in your code
without RECOVER USING clause
| |
_Str |
Convert a numeric expression to a string.
| |
_Str3 |
Convert a numeric expression to a string of specific length and decimal places.
| |
_TextRestore |
This function is used by the TEXT TO FILE UDC
| |
_TextSave |
This function is used by the TEXT TO FILE UDC
| |
_UsualArrayToObjectArray | Helper function to convert USUAL[] to OBJECT[] | |
_VoDbErrInfoPtr | Return exception object from last RDD operation. | |
_wait |
Display a prompt after sending a carriage return/linefeed to the terminal window, then wait for a key to be pressed.
Note: WAIT is a compatibility command and is no longer recommended.
| |
_wait(String) |
Display a prompt after sending a carriage return/linefeed to the terminal window, then wait for a key to be pressed.
Note: WAIT is a compatibility command and is no longer recommended.
| |
AAdd(Array, Usual) |
Add a new element to the end of an array.
| |
AAdd(Array, Usual, DWord) |
Add a new element to the end of an array.
| |
AAddT(Array OfT, T) |
Add a new element to the end of an array.
| |
AAddT(Array OfT, T, DWord) |
Add a new element to the end of an array.
| |
Abs |
Return the absolute value of a numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
| |
AbsFloat |
Return the absolute value of a strongly typed numeric expression, regardless of its sign.
| |
AClone(Array) |
Duplicate a multidimensional array.
| |
ACloneT(Array OfT) |
Duplicate a multidimensional array.
| |
ACloneShallow(Array) |
Duplicate an array without its subarrays.
| |
ACloneShallowT(Array OfT) |
Duplicate an array without its subarrays.
| |
ACopy |
Copy elements from one array to another.
| |
ACos |
Returns the arc cosine of a specified numeric expression.
| |
ACot |
Calculate the arc cotangent of a number.
| |
ADel(Array, DWord) |
Delete an array element.
| |
ADelT(Array OfT, DWord) |
Delete an array element.
| |
ADim | Calculate the # of dimensions in an array | |
ADimPic | Calculate a string that represents the dimensions in an array | |
ADir |
Fill a series of arrays with directory information.
Note: ADir() is a compatibility function and therefore not recommended. It is superseded by the Directory() function, which returns all file information in a multidimensional array. | |
AEval(Array, ICodeblock) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEval(Array, ICodeblock, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEval(Array, ICodeblock, Usual, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalT(Array OfT, ActionT) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalT(Array OfT, ActionT, DWord) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalT(Array OfT, ActionT, DWord, DWord) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalA(Array, ICodeblock) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalA(Array, ICodeblock, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalA(Array, ICodeblock, Usual, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalAT(Array OfT, FuncT, T) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalAT(Array OfT, FuncT, T, DWord) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalAT(Array OfT, FuncT, T, DWord, DWord) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array and assign the return value to each element in the array.
| |
AEvalOld(Array, ICodeblock) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalOld(Array, ICodeblock, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AEvalOld(Array, ICodeblock, Usual, Usual) |
Execute a code block for each element in an array.
| |
AFields |
Fill arrays with the structure of the current database file.
Note: AFields() is a compatibility function and therefore not recommended. It is superseded by DBStruct(), which does not require the existence of any arrays prior to invocation and returns a multidimensional array containing the current database file structure. | |
AFill |
Fill array elements with a specified value.
| |
AIns(Array, DWord) |
Insert an element into an array and assign it a NIL value.
| |
AInsT(Array OfT, DWord) |
Insert an element into an array and assign it a NIL value.
| |
ALen(Array) |
Return the number of elements in an array.
| |
ALenT(Array OfT) |
Return the number of elements in an array.
| |
Alias |
Return the alias of a specified work area as a string.
| |
Alias0 |
Return the alias of the current work area as a string.
| |
Alias0Sym |
Return the alias of the current work area as a symbol.
| |
AllowCollectThread | Obsolete. | |
Ansi2OemBuff |
Convert a specified number of ANSI characters in a source buffer to a buffer of corresponding OEM characters.
| |
AReplicate |
To create an array and fill its elements with a default value.
| |
Array |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
Array(Usual) |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
ArrayBuild |
Create an empty array.
| |
ArrayCreate(DWord) |
Create an uninitialized, one-dimensional array.
| |
ArrayCreateT(DWord) |
Create an uninitialized, one-dimensional array.
| |
ArrayDeProtect(Array) |
Removes write protection from an entire array.
| |
ArrayDeProtectT(Array OfT) |
Removes write protection from an entire array.
| |
ArrayGet(Array, DWord) |
Read an array element.
| |
ArrayGetT(Array OfT, DWord) |
Read an array element.
| |
ArrayInit |
Create an initialized array.
| |
ArrayNew |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
ArrayNew(Usual) |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
ArrayNewT(Long) |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
ArrayNewT(DWord) |
Create an uninitialized array with the specified number of elements and dimensions.
| |
ArrayProtect(Array) |
Protect an array from change in all functions except the one in which it was declared.
| |
ArrayProtectT(Array OfT) |
Protect an array from change in all functions except the one in which it was declared.
| |
ArrayPut(Array, DWord, Usual) |
Write a value to an array element.
| |
ArrayPutT(Array OfT, DWord, T) |
Write a value to an array element.
| |
ArrayStore(Array, Usual*, DWord) |
Store an array to a buffer.
| |
ArrayStoreT(Array OfT, T*, DWord) |
Store an array to a buffer.
| |
ArraySwap(Array, DWord, Usual) |
Replace an array element with a new value and return the old value.
| |
ArraySwapT(Array OfT, DWord, T) |
Replace an array element with a new value and return the old value.
| |
AScan(Array, Usual) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScan(Array, Usual, Usual) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScan(Array, Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, FuncT, Logic) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, T) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, FuncT, Logic, Long) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, T, Long) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, FuncT, Logic, Long, Long) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanT(Array OfT, T, Long, Long) |
Scan an array until a value is found or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanBin |
Scan a sorted array until a value is found or a code block returns 0.
| |
AScanBinExact |
Scan a sorted array until there is an exact match or a code block returns 0.
| |
AScanExact(Array, Usual) |
Scan an array until there is an exact match or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanExact(Array, Usual, Usual) |
Scan an array until there is an exact match or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
AScanExact(Array, Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Scan an array until there is an exact match or a code block returns TRUE.
| |
ASend |
Invoke a method for every element in an array of objects.
| |
AsHexString |
Convert a value to a hexadecimal string.
| |
ASin |
Returns in radians the arc sine of a numeric expression.
| |
ASize(Array, DWord) |
Grow or shrink an array.
| |
ASizeT(Array OfT, DWord) |
Grow or shrink an array.
| |
ASort(Array, Usual, Usual, Usual) |
Sort an array.
| |
ASortT(Array OfT, FuncT, T, Logic) |
Sort an array.
| |
ASortT(Array OfT, Long, Long, FuncT, T, Logic) |
Sort an array.
| |
AsPadr |
Convert a value to a right-padded string.
| |
AsString |
Convert a value to a string.
| |
AsSymbol |
Convert a string or a PSZ to a symbol.
| |
ATail(Array) |
Return the highest numbered element of an array.
| |
ATailT(Array OfT) |
Return the highest numbered element of an array.
| |
ATan |
Calculate the arc tangent of a number.
| |
Atan2 |
Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.
| |
ATrueDel(Array, DWord) |
Delete an array element.
| |
ATrueDelT(Array OfT, DWord) |
Delete an array element.
| |
Between |
Determine if a value is between two other values.
| |
Bin2Date |
Convert a string containing a 32-bit binary date to a date data type.
| |
Bin2F |
Convert a string containing a 80-bit floating point number to a float value.
| |
Bin2Logic |
Convert a string containing an 8-bit logical into a logical value.
| |
BLOBDirectExport |
Export the contents of a binary large object (BLOB) pointer to a file.
Note: A BLOB file (.DBV or .FPT) is used for storing memo field information, as an alternative to the standard .DBT file mechanism supported by some RDDs. It is a more powerful and efficient mechanism for storing and retrieving large amounts of data than using .DBT files. X# supplies the DBFCDX driver, which uses the BLOB file storage mechanism by default, and the DBFBLOB driver, which you can use as an inherited driver with other RDDs. | |
BLOBDirectGet |
Retrieve data stored in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field.
| |
BLOBDirectImport |
Import a file into a BLOB file and return a pointer to the data.
| |
BLOBDirectPut |
Put data in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field.
| |
BLOBExport |
Copy the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number, to a file.
| |
Get the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number.
| |
BLOBImport |
Read the contents of a file as a BLOB, identified by a memo field number.
| |
BLOBRootGet |
Retrieve the data from the root area of a BLOB file.
| |
BLOBRootLock |
Obtain a lock on the root area of a BLOB file.
| |
BLOBRootPut |
Store data in the root area of a BLOB file.
| |
BLOBRootUnlock |
Release the lock on a BLOB file's root area.
| |
Bof |
Determine when beginning-of-file is encountered.
| |
Bof(Usual) |
Determine when beginning-of-file is encountered.
| |
CanBreak |
Check if a BEGIN SEQUENCE...END construct is active.
| |
CDoW |
Extract the name of the day of the week from a date.
| |
Ceil |
Round a number up to the next highest integer.
| |
CheckInstanceOf |
Determine if an object is an instance of a particular class.
| |
ClassCount |
Return the number of classes available to your application.
| |
ClassList |
Return an array of symbols corresponding to the classes available to your application.
| |
ClassName |
Get the class name of an object.
| |
ClassTree |
Get the class hierarchy of an object.
| |
ClassTreeClass |
Get the class hierarchy of a class.
| |
cls |
Clear the terminal window and position the cursor at row and column 0.
| |
CMonth |
Extract the name of the month from a date.
| |
Col |
Return the current column position of the cursor in the terminal window.
| |
Collect | Obsolete.
Call the garbage collector if a watermark is reached.
| |
CollectCount | Obsolete.
Count the number of garbage collections performed by the system.
| |
CollectForced | Obsolete.
Call the garbage collector.
| |
ConcatAtom |
Concatenate two Symbols.
| |
ConcatAtom3 |
Concatenate three Symbols.
| |
ConcatAtom4 | ||
ConcatAtom5 | ||
ConDate |
Format a set of numbers representing a year, month, and day as a date.
| |
Cos |
Calculate the cosine of a number.
| |
Cot |
Calculate the cotangent of a value.
| |
CParamCount |
Return the number of arguments that a code block is expecting.
| |
CreateInstance |
Create an object.
| |
CSend |
Invoke a method.
| |
CToD(String) |
Convert a date string to date format.
| |
CToD(String, String) |
Convert a date string to date format.
| |
CToDAnsi |
Convert an ANSI date string to date format.
| |
Date |
Return the system date as a date value.
| |
Date(DWord, DWord, DWord) |
Format a set of numbers representing a year, month, and day as a date.
| |
Date2Bin |
Convert a date to a 32-bit binary date string.
| |
Day |
Extract the number of the day of the month from a date.
| |
DbApp |
Import records from a database file.
| |
DbAppDelim |
Import records from a delimited text file.
| |
DbAppend |
Add a new record to a database file.
| |
DbAppSdf |
Import records from an SDF file.
| |
DbAutoLock | Automatically lock a record in the FoxPro dialect | |
DbAutoLockArea | Automatically lock a record in the FoxPro dialect | |
DbAutoUnLock | Automatically unlock a record in the FoxPro dialect | |
DbAutoUnLockArea | Automatically unlock a record in the FoxPro dialect | |
DbBlobInfo | ||
DbBuffRefresh | Refresh the buffer for the current workarea, discarding any changes that were made. | |
DbBuffRefresh(Usual) | ||
DbClearFilter |
Clear a logical filter condition.
| |
DbClearFilter(Usual) |
Clear a logical filter condition.
| |
DbClearIndex |
Remove orders from the order list in a work area and close associated index files.
| |
DBClearOrderCondition |
Clear the condition and scope for an order.
| |
DbClearRelation |
Clear any active relations.
| |
DbClearScope | Clears the top and/or bottom scope. | |
DbCloseAll |
Close all files in all work areas.
| |
DbCloseArea |
Close all files in a work area.
| |
DbCloseArea(Usual) |
Close all files in a work area.
| |
DbCommit |
Flush all pending updates in one work area.
| |
DbCommitAll |
Flush all pending updates in all work areas.
| |
DbContinue |
Resume a pending locate condition.
| |
DbCopy |
Export records to a new database file.
| |
DbCopyDelim |
Export records to a new delimited text file.
| |
DbCopySDF |
Export records to a new SDF file.
| |
DbCopyStruct |
Create an empty database file with field definitions from another database file.
| |
DbCopyXStruct |
Copy the field definitions in a database file structure to a structure-extended file as data.
| |
DbCreate |
Create a database file from a database structure array.
| |
DbCreateIndex |
Create an index file and add an order to it.
| |
DbCreateOrder |
Create or replace an order in an index file.
| |
DbDelete |
Mark the current record for deletion.
| |
DbDelete(Usual) |
Mark the current record for deletion.
| |
DbDeleteOrder |
Remove an order from an open index file.
| |
DbDriver |
Return the default RDD for the application.
| |
DbEval |
Evaluate a code block for each record that matches a specified scope and/or condition.
| |
Return the name of the alias.
Note: DBF() is a compatibility function and is no longer recommended. It is superseded by Alias0(). See Alias0() for more information. | |
DBF(Usual) |
Return the name of the alias.
Note: DBF() is a compatibility function and is no longer recommended. It is superseded by Alias0(). See Alias0() for more information. | |
DbFieldInfo |
Return and optionally change information about a field.
| |
DBFileCopy | ||
DbFilter |
Return a filter.
| |
DbGetSelect |
Return the work area number.
| |
DbGoBottom |
Move to the last logical record.
| |
DbGoto(Usual) |
Move to a record specified by record number.
| |
DbGoto(Usual, Usual) |
Move to a record specified by record number.
| |
DbGoTop |
Move to the first logical record.
| |
DbInfo |
Return and optionally change information about a database file open in a work area.
| |
DbJoin |
Create a new database file by merging records/fields from two work areas.
| |
DbJoinAppend | ||
DbLocate |
Search for the first record that matches the specified condition and scope.
| |
DbMemoExt | This returns the memo extension of the file in the current workarea. For example DBT or FPT. | |
DbMemoField |
Return the memo field pointer of a DBF record.
| |
DbOrderInfo |
Return and optionally change information about orders and index files.
| |
DbPack |
Remove all records marked for deletion from a database file, rebuild all active orders, and recover all physical space occupied by the deleted records.
| |
DbRecall |
Restore the current record if it has been marked for deletion.
| |
DbRecall(Usual) |
Restore the current record if it has been marked for deletion.
| |
DbRecordInfo |
Retrieve field definition information about a record.
| |
DbReindex |
Rebuild all orders in the order list of a work area.
| |
DbRelation |
Return the linking expression of a specified relation.
| |
DbRLock |
Lock a record in a shared database file, optionally retaining previous record locks.
| |
DbRLockList |
Get a list of locked records.
| |
DbRSelect |
Return the work area number of a relation.
| |
DbRUnLock |
Release all or specified record locks.
| |
DbScope | Checks if a scope is set in a work area. | |
DbSeek |
Move to the record having the specified key value in the controlling order.
| |
DbSelect |
Select a new work area and retrieve the current work area.
| |
DbSelectArea |
Change the current work area.
| |
DbSetDriver |
Return and optionally change the default RDD driver for the application.
Note: DBSetDriver() is a compatibility function and is no longer recommended. It is superseded by the RDDSetDefault() function. See RDDSetDefault() for more information. | |
DbSetFilter |
Set a filter condition.
| |
DbSetFound |
Set the found flag.
| |
DbSetIndex |
Open an index file and add all its orders to the order list in a work area.
| |
DbSetOrder |
Set the controlling order for a work area.
| |
DbSetOrderCondition |
Set the condition and scope to use in creating the next order.
| |
DbSetRelation |
Relate a specified work area to the current work area.
| |
DbSetScope | Sets scope values. | |
DbSetSelect |
Select a new work area.
| |
DbSkip |
Move the record pointer relative to the current record.
| |
DbSort |
Copy records to a database file in sorted order.
| |
DbStruct |
Create an array containing the structure of a database file.
| |
DbStruct(Usual) |
Create an array containing the structure of a database file.
| |
DbSymSelect |
Select a new work area by specifying its alias as a symbol.
| |
DbTotal |
Summarize records by key value to a database file.
| |
DbTrans |
Transfer records to an open database file.
| |
DbUnLock |
Release all locks or a specified lock for a work area.
| |
DbUnLock(Long) |
Release all locks or a specified lock for a work area.
| |
DbUnLockAll |
Release all locks for all work areas.
| |
DbUpdate |
Replace fields in the current work area with values from another work area, based on the specified key expression.
| |
DbUseArea |
Open a database file.
| |
DbZap |
Remove all records from open files.
| |
DebOut |
Write information to the Debug Terminal Program
| |
Default |
Assign a default value to a NIL argument.
| |
Deleted |
Return the deleted status of the current record.
| |
Deleted(Usual) |
Return the deleted status of the current record.
| |
Descend |
Create a descending order key value.
| |
DescendA |
Create a descending order key value.
| |
DirChange |
Change the current Windows directory.
| |
Directory |
Create an array of directory and file information.
| |
DirMake |
Create a directory.
| |
DirRemove |
Remove a directory.
| |
DiskChange |
Change the current disk drive.
| |
DoError | ||
DoW |
Extract the number of the day of the week from a date.
| |
Return the Day of Year
| |
DToC |
Convert a date to a string.
| |
DToR |
Converts degrees to radians.
| |
DToS |
Convert a date value to a string formatted as yyyymmdd.
| |
Empty(Logic) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(DateTime) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Long) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Object) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(String) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(DWord) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Void*) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Array) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Currency) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Date) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Float) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Psz) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Symbol) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
Empty(Usual) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
EmptyT(ICollectionT) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
EmptyT(T) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
EmptyT(T) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
EmptyT(Array OfT) |
Determine if the result of an expression is empty.
| |
EmptyField |
Determine if field number n in the current workarea is empty.
| |
EmptyPSZ | ||
EmptyRecord |
Determine if the current record in the current workarea is empty.
| |
EmptyString | ||
EmptyUsual |
Return the empty value of a specified data type.
| |
EnableArrayIndexCheck | Suppress Array Index check to be compatible with Visual Objects | |
EnableLBOptimizations | ||
EnforceNumeric |
Make sure a variable is a numeric.
| |
EnforceType(Usual, DWord) |
Make sure a variable is of a certain type.
| |
EnforceType(Usual, DWord) |
Make sure a variable is of a certain type.
| |
Eof |
Determine when end-of-file is encountered.
| |
Eof(Usual) |
Determine when end-of-file is encountered.
| |
ErrorBlock |
Return and optionally change the code block that is executed when a runtime error occurs.
| |
ErrorBlock(Codeblock) |
Return and optionally change the code block that is executed when a runtime error occurs.
| |
ErrorExec | ||
ErrorSys | ||
Eval(Object, Usual) |
Evaluate a code block or an objects Eval() method.
| |
Eval(Usual, Usual) |
Evaluate a code block or an objects Eval() method.
| |
Eval(ICodeblock, Usual) |
Evaluate a code block
| |
Evaluate(String) |
Evaluate an expression contained in a string.
| |
Evaluate(String, Logic) |
Evaluate an expression contained in a string.
| |
ExecScript |
Enables you to run multiple lines of code from variables, tables, and other text at runtime.
| |
ExecScriptFast |
Enables you to run multiple lines of code from variables, tables, and other text at runtime.
| |
ExecScriptSlow |
Enables you to run multiple lines of code from variables, tables, and other text at runtime.
| |
Exp |
Calculate the numeric value of a natural logarithm.
| |
F2Bin |
Convert a float to a string containing an 80-bit floating point number.
| |
Fact |
Calculate the factorial of a number.
| |
FCount |
Return the number of fields in the current database file.
| |
FCount(Usual) |
Return the number of fields in the current database file.
| |
FieldBlock |
Return a set-get code block for a field that is identified by its name.
| |
FieldBlockSym |
Return a set-get code block for a field that is identified by a symbol.
| |
FieldGet |
Get the contents of a field that is identified by its position.
| |
FieldGetAlias |
Get the contents of a field that is identified by a work area alias and the field name.
| |
FieldGetArea |
Get the contents of a field that is identified by its work area and a symbol.
| |
FieldGetBytes |
Get the contents of a field that is identified by its position.
| |
FieldGetSelect |
Get the contents of a field that is identified by a work area alias and the field name.
| |
FieldGetSym |
Retrieve the contents of a field that is identified by its symbolic name.
| |
FieldName(DWord) |
Return the name of a field as a string.
| |
FieldName(DWord, Usual) |
Return the name of a field as a string.
| |
FieldPos(String) |
Return the position of a field.
| |
FieldPos(String, DWord) |
Return the position of a field.
| |
FieldPosSym |
Return the position of a field that is identified by a symbol.
| |
FieldPut |
Set the value of a field identified by its position.
| |
FieldPutAlias |
Set the value of a field identified by its work area alias and field name.
| |
FieldPutArea |
Set the value of a field identified by its work area number and field name.
| |
FieldPutBytes | Write an array of bytes direct to the workarea buffer. | |
FieldPutSelect |
Set the value of a field identified by its work area alias and field name.
| |
FieldPutSym |
Set the value of a field that is identified by its symbolic name.
| |
FieldSym(DWord) |
Return the name of a field as a symbol.
| |
FieldSym(DWord, Usual) |
Return the name of a field as a symbol.
| |
FieldWBlock |
Return a set-get code block for a field, specified as a string, in a specified work area.
| |
FieldWBlockSym |
Return a set-get code block for a field, specified as a symbol, in a specified work area.
| |
FindClass |
Find a class in the referenced assemblies
| |
Float2Long | ||
FloatFormat |
Set the display format for a floating point numeric.
| |
Flock |
Lock an opened and shared database file.
| |
Flock(Usual) |
Lock an opened and shared database file.
| |
Floor |
Round a number down to the next lowest integer.
| |
Found |
Determine if the previous search operation succeeded.
| |
Found(Usual) |
Determine if the previous search operation succeeded.
| |
FParamCount | Return the number of local arguments that a function is expecting. | |
Frac |
Return the fractional portion of a number.
| |
FRead(IntPtr, IntPtr, DWord) |
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer.
| |
FRead(IntPtr, Usual, DWord) |
Read characters from a file into a buffer variable that is passed by reference.
| |
FRead3 |
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer.
| |
FRead4 |
Read characters from a file into an allocated buffer.
| |
FReadLine |
Read a line from an open file.
| |
FReadText3 |
Read characters from a file into a buffer variable that is passed by reference.
| |
FSeek |
Set the file pointer to a new position.
| |
FWrite |
Write a string to an open file.
| |
FWrite3 |
Write the contents of a buffer to an open file.
| |
FWriteLine |
Write a string, a carriage-return character, and a linefeed character to an open file.
| |
FWriteText |
Write a string to an open file, with SetAnsi() dependency.
| |
GetColor | ||
GetRTFullPath | ||
GetThreadCount | ||
GetTickCountLow |
Get the number of 1/10000 seconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.
| |
Header |
Return the length of the database file header.
| |
Header(Usual) |
Return the length of the database file header.
| |
InCollect | Obsolete.
Check whether the application is in a garbage collection phase.
| |
IndexCount | Returns the # of open indexes in the current workarea | |
IndexExt |
Return the default index file extension for a work area as defined by its RDD.
| |
IndexHPLock |
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to use the High Performance (HP) locking schema for newly created .NTX files.
| |
IndexKey |
Return the key expression of a specified order.
| |
IndexOrd |
Return the position of the controlling order within the order list.
| |
InList |
Indicate whether the first expression in a series is repeated later in the series.
| |
InListExact |
Indicate whether the first expression in a series is repeated later in the series.
| |
Integer |
Truncate or floor a number with decimal digits to a whole number.
| |
IsAccess |
Check whether a particular access method can be sent to an object.
| |
IsArray |
Determine if a value is an array.
| |
IsAssign |
Check whether a particular assign method can be sent to an object.
| |
IsBinary |
Determine if a value is a Binary.
| |
IsByRef |
Determine if a value is passed by reference
| |
IsClass |
Determine if a class exists.
| |
IsClassOf |
Determine if one class is a subclass of another class.
| |
IsCodeBlock |
Determine if a value is a code block.
| |
IsCurrency |
Determine if a value is a Currency.
| |
IsDate |
Determine if a value is a DATE.
| |
IsDateTime |
Determine if a value is a DateTime.
| |
IsDecimal |
Determine if a value is a Decimal.
| |
IsFloat |
Determine if a value is a FLOAT.
| |
IsFractional |
Determine if a value is a Decimal or a Float
| |
IsInstanceOf |
Determine if an object is an instance of a class.
| |
IsInstanceOfUsual |
Determine if an object inside a USUAL is an instance of a class.
| |
IsInt64 |
Determine if a value is a INT64.
| |
IsInteger |
Determine if a value is an integer (LONG or INT64).
| |
IsLogic |
Determine if a value is a logical.
| |
IsLong |
Determine if a value is a LONGINT.
| |
IsMethod |
Check whether a particular method can be sent to an object.
| |
IsMethodClass |
Check whether a particular method can be sent to a class.
| |
IsMethodUsual |
Check whether a particular method can be sent to an object inside a USUAL.
| |
IsNil |
Determine if a value is NIL.
| |
IsNumeric |
Determine if a value is a numeric.
| |
IsObject |
Determine if a value is an object.
| |
IsPtr |
Determine if a value is a pointer.
| |
IsString |
Determine if a value is a string.
| |
IsSymbol |
Determine if a value is a symbol.
| |
IVarGet |
Return the contents of an exported instance variable.
| |
IVarGetInfo |
Get information about how a particular instance variable (or access method) was declared.
| |
IVarGetSelf |
Return the contents of an instance variable.
| |
IvarList |
Store all instance variables of an object into an array.
| |
IvarListClass |
Store all instance variables of a class into an array.
| |
IVarPut |
Assign a value to an exported instance variable.
| |
IVarPutInfo |
Get information about how a particular instance variable (or assign method) was declared.
| |
IVarPutSelf |
Assign a value to an instance variable.
| |
JCDOW | ||
LastRec |
Return the number of the last record in a database file.
| |
LastRec(Usual) |
Return the number of the last record in a database file.
| |
Len |
Return the length of a string or an array.
| |
Calculate the natural logarithm of a numeric value.
| |
Log10 |
Calculate the common logarithm of a numeric value.
| |
LUpdate |
Return the date a database file was last modified and closed.
| |
LUpdate(Usual) |
Return the date a database file was last modified and closed.
| |
MAssign |
Perform an assignment to a variable whose name is stored in a specified string.
| |
Max |
Return the larger of 2 values.
| |
MaxAtom |
Determine the number of Symbols in the atom table.
| |
MCompile(String) |
Macro compile a string.
| |
MCompile(String, Logic) |
Macro compile a string.
| |
Mem2String |
Extract a substring of a certain size from the left of a buffer.
| |
MemAlloc |
Allocate a static memory buffer of a specified size.
| |
MemAtSpecial |
Get the location of the first special console character in a buffer.
| |
MemByte |
Get a pointer to a byte in a memory buffer.
| |
MemCAlloc |
Allocate static memory buffers of a specified size.
| |
MemChr |
Get a pointer to a matching character value in a memory buffer.
| |
MemClear |
Fill a memory buffer with null characters.
| |
MemComp |
Compare bytes in two memory buffers.
| |
MemCopy |
Copy one memory buffer to another.
| |
MemCopyString |
Copy one memory buffer to another and fill any remaining spaces with blanks.
| |
MemDWord |
Get a pointer to a matching double word in a memory buffer.
| |
MemFree |
Deallocate a specified memory buffer.
| |
MemGrpAlloc |
Allocate a new memory buffer in a group.
| |
MemGrpCAlloc |
Allocate static memory buffers of a specified size.
| |
MemGrpClose |
Close a memory group.
| |
MemGrpEnum |
Enumerate all the pointers allocated in a memory group
| |
MemGrpOpen |
Open up a new memory group.
| |
MemInt |
Get a pointer to a matching integer in a memory buffer.
| |
MemLen | ||
MemLong |
Get a pointer to a matching long integer in a memory buffer.
| |
MemLower | ||
MemMove |
Move one memory buffer to another.
| |
MemoTran |
Replace carriage-return/linefeeds with a character that can be displayed.
| |
MemRealloc |
ReAllocate a static memory buffer of a specified size.
| |
MemSet |
Fill a memory buffer with a specified character.
| |
MemShort |
Get a pointer to a matching short integer in a memory buffer.
| |
MemTotal |
Report the total number of bytes used by other memory manager functions.
| |
MemTrace | Retrieve memory tracing state. | |
MemTrace(Logic) | Enable / disable memory tracing | |
MemUpper | ||
MemVarBlock |
Return a set-get code block for a given memory variable.
| |
MemVarBlockSym |
Return a set-get code block for a given memory variable.
| |
MemVarClear |
Release a memory variable
| |
MemVarGet |
Return the contents of a memory variable.
| |
MemVarGetSym |
Return the contents of a memory variable.
| |
MemVarPut |
Assign a value to a memory variable of a given name.
| |
MemVarPutSym |
Assign a value to a memory variable of a given name.
| |
MemVarRelease |
Release a memory variable
| |
MemVarTryGet | ||
MemWalk |
Walk through the memory system, checking for validity.
| |
MemWord |
Get a pointer to a matching word in a memory buffer.
| |
MethodList |
Create a class list in the form of an array for the specified object.
| |
MethodListClass |
Create a class list in the form of an array for the specified class.
| |
MExec |
Evaluate a macro-compiled string.
| |
Min |
Return the smaller of 2 values.
| |
MLCount |
Count the number of lines in a string.
| |
MLcToPos |
Return the position of a character in a formatted string.
| |
MLPos |
Determine the position of a line in a string.
| |
Mod |
Return the remainder of one number divided by another number.
| |
Month |
Extract the number of the month from a date.
| |
MParamCount |
Return the number of arguments that a method is expecting.
| |
MPosToLc |
Return the line and column position of a character in a formatted string.
| |
NewIndexLock |
Return and optionally change the setting that determines whether to use the new locking offset of -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) for .NTX files.
| |
NewLocks |
Return the setting that determines whether to use the new locking offset of -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) for .NTX files.
Note: NewLocks() is a compatibility function and therefore not recommended. It is superseded by the NewIndexLock() function, which allows you to change and retrieve the setting. Refer to NewIndexLock() for more information. | |
NoMethod |
Identify an invalid method call.
| |
NTrim |
Convert a numeric expression to a left-trimmed string.
| |
Object2Array |
Convert the values of an object's instance variables to an array.
| |
Object2Float |
Convert an object containing a numeric value to a FLOAT
| |
Oem2AnsiBuff |
Convert a specified number of OEM characters in a source buffer to a buffer of corresponding, if any, ANSI characters.
| |
OOPTree |
Return a multidimensional array of all object-oriented programming symbols that constitute the class.
| |
OOPTreeClass |
Return a multidimensional array of all object-oriented programming symbols that constitute the class of an object.
| |
OrdBagExt |
Return the default index file extension for a work area as defined by its RDD.
| |
OrdBagName |
Return the index file name of a specific order.
| |
OrdCondSet |
Set the condition and scope for an order.
| |
OrdCount | Determines the number of orders for the current work area. | |
OrdCreate |
Create or replace an order in an index file.
| |
OrdDescend |
Return and optionally change the descending flag of an order.
| |
OrdDestroy |
Remove an order from an open index file.
| |
OrdFor |
Return the for condition of an order.
| |
OrdIsUnique |
Return the status of the unique flag for a given order.
| |
OrdKey |
Return the key expression of an order.
| |
OrdKeyAdd |
Add a key to a custom built order.
| |
OrdKeyCount |
Return the number of keys in an order.
| |
OrdKeyDel |
Delete a key from a custom built order.
| |
OrdKeyGoto |
Move to a record specified by its logical record number in the controlling order.
| |
OrdKeyNo |
Get the logical record number of the current record.
| |
OrdKeyVal |
Get the key value of the current record from the controlling order.
| |
OrdList | Return a list of all tag names for the current work area. | |
OrdListAdd |
Open an index file and add specified orders to the order list in a work area.
| |
OrdListClear |
Remove orders from the order list in a work area and close associated index files.
| |
OrdListRebuild |
Rebuild all orders in the order list of a work area.
| |
OrdName |
Return the name of an order in the order list of a work area.
| |
OrdNumber |
Return the position of an order in the order list of a work area.
| |
OrdScope |
Set or clear the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order.
| |
OrdSetFocus |
Set the controlling order for a work area.
| |
OrdSetRelation |
Relate a specified work area to the current work area.
| |
OrdSkipUnique |
Move the record pointer to the next or previous unique key in the controlling order.
| |
Pad(Usual, Long, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the right.
| |
Pad(Usual, DWord, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the right.
| |
PadC(Usual, Long, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on both the right and left.
| |
PadC(Usual, DWord, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on both the right and left.
| |
PadL(Usual, Long, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the left.
| |
PadL(Usual, DWord, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the left.
| |
PadR(Usual, Long, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the right.
| |
PadR(Usual, DWord, String) |
Pad character, numeric, and date values with fill characters on the right.
| |
PaletteRGB |
Get a particular color from a user-defined palette.
| |
Pause |
Display a system modal dialog box to pause the current application.
| |
PI |
Returns the numeric constant pi.
| |
Pow |
Raise the first argument to the numeric power specified by the second argument.
| |
Psz2String |
Convert a null-terminated string to a strongly typed string.
| |
Psz2Usual |
Convert a null-terminated string to a strongly typed string.
| |
PszAlloc |
Copy a buffer pointed to by a PSZ to a newly allocated block of memory and return a new pointer to that memory.
| |
PszLen |
Copy a buffer pointed to by a PSZ to a newly allocated block of memory and return a new pointer to that memory.
| |
QOut |
Display the results of one or more expressions in the terminal window to the console.
| |
QOut(Usual) |
Display the results of one or more expressions in the terminal window to the console.
| |
QOut(Usual) |
Display the results of one or more expressions in the terminal window to the console.
| |
QQOut(Usual) |
Display the results of one or more expressions in the terminal window to the console.
| |
QQOut(Usual) |
Display the results of one or more expressions in the terminal window to the console.
| |
Rand |
Return a random number between 0 and 1.
| |
Rand(Usual) |
Return a random number between 0 and 1.
| |
RddCount |
Get the number of currently loaded RDDs.
| |
RddInfo |
Return and optionally change settings controlled directly by the RDD.
| |
RddList |
Get a list of RDDs in use.
| |
RddName |
Return an RDD name.
| |
RddSetDefault |
Return and optionally change the default RDD for the application.
| |
RddSetDefault(String) |
Return and optionally change the default RDD for the application.
| |
RddVersion | ||
RecCount |
Determine the number of records in a database file.
| |
RecCount(Usual) |
Determine the number of records in a database file.
| |
RecNo |
Return the current record number.
| |
RecNo(Usual) |
Return the current record number.
| |
RecSize |
Determine the record length of a database file.
| |
RecSize(Usual) |
Determine the record length of a database file.
| |
RegisterAxit | Obsolete.
Register an object so that it receives an Axit message before being destroyed by the garbage collector.
| |
RLock |
Lock the current record.
| |
RLock(Usual) |
Lock the current record.
| |
RLock(String, Usual) |
Lock the current record.
| |
Round |
Round a number to a specified number of digits.
| |
Row |
Return the screen row position of the cursor in the terminal window.
| |
RToD |
Converts radians to its equivalent in degrees.
You can use RTOD( ) when working with the X# trigonometric functions COS( ), SIN( ), and TAN( ).
| |
Select |
Determine the number of a work area.
| |
Send |
Invoke a method.
| |
Set |
Changes and/or reads a system setting.
| |
SetAlternate | ||
SetAlternate(Logic) | ||
SetAltFile | ||
SetAltFile(String, Logic) | ||
SetColor | ||
SetColor(String) | ||
SetConsole | ||
SetConsole(Logic) | ||
SetFDateTime |
Reset the date and time stamps of a File.
| |
SetFloatDelta |
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the point at which 2 floating point numbers would be considered equal even though they are different.
| |
SetFloatDelta(Double) |
Return and optionally change the setting that determines the point at which 2 floating point numbers would be considered equal even though they are different.
| |
SetPos |
Move the cursor to a new position on the terminal window.
| |
SetTextFile | ||
SetTextFile(String, Logic) | ||
SetTextOutPut | ||
SetTextOutPut(Logic) | ||
SEval |
Execute a code block for each of the individual characters in a string.
| |
SEvalA |
Execute a code block for each of the individual characters in a string, changing the contents of the argument as well as the return value.
| |
ShowArray | Dump the contents of an array to the terminal window | |
ShowObject | Dump the contents of an object to the terminal window | |
ShowPrivates | Dump the currently defined privates to the terminal window | |
ShowPublics | Dump the currently defined publics to the terminal window | |
Sin |
Calculate the sine of a number.
| |
SplitPath(String, String, String, String, String) |
Break a path name into its components.
| |
SplitPath(Psz, Psz, Psz, Psz, Psz) | Obsolete.
Break a path name into its components.
| |
SQrt |
Return the square root of a positive number.
| |
SToD |
Convert an ANSI date string to date format.
| |
Str |
Convert a numeric expression to a string.
| |
Str1 |
Convert a numeric expression to a string.
| |
Str2 |
Convert a numeric expression to a string of a specified length.
| |
Str3 |
Convert a numeric expression to a string of specific length and decimal places.
| |
StrEvaluate |
Allows text substitution in strings entered at runtime.
| |
StrFloat |
Convert a float expression to a PSZ.
| |
String2Atom |
Convert a string to a Symbol.
| |
String2Symbol |
Convert a string to an uppercase Symbol.
| |
StringAlloc |
Copy a string to a newly allocated block of memory and return a PSZ to the memory.
| |
StrInt |
Convert an integer expression to a PSZ.
| |
StrLong |
Convert a long integer expression to a PSZ.
| |
StrToFloat |
Convert a string containing a numeric value to a numeric data type.
| |
StrTran |
Search and replace characters within a string.
| |
StrZero(Usual) |
Convert a numeric expression to a string and pad it with leading zeroes instead of blanks.
| |
StrZero(Usual, Long) |
Convert a numeric expression to a string and pad it with leading zeroes instead of blanks.
| |
StrZero(Usual, Long, Long) |
Convert a numeric expression to a string and pad it with leading zeroes instead of blanks.
| |
SubS |
Extract a substring from a string.
| |
SubStr |
Extract a substring from a string.
| |
Symbol2String |
Convert a symbol to string
| |
SysAddAtom(String) |
Convert a null-terminated string to a Symbol and add it to the atom table.
| |
SysAddAtom(Psz) |
Convert a null-terminated string to a Symbol and add it to the atom table.
| |
SysAddAtomUpperA(String) |
Convert a null-terminated string to an uppercase Symbol and add it to the atom table.
| |
SysAddAtomUpperA(Psz) |
Convert a null-terminated string to an uppercase Symbol and add it to the atom table.
| |
SysCompAtom | ||
SysFindAtom(String) |
Determine whether a Symbol is in the atom table.
| |
SysFindAtom(Psz) |
Determine whether a Symbol is in the atom table.
| |
SysGetAtomName |
Convert a Symbol to a null-terminated string.
| |
Tan |
Calculate the tangent of a number.
| |
TimePsz |
Return the system time in a format determined by various international settings.
| |
TimePsz24 |
Return the system time in 24-hour format.
| |
Today |
Return the system date as a date value.
| |
Tone |
Sound a speaker tone for a specified frequency and duration.
Note: Tone() is a compatibility function and is no longer recommended. It is superseded by the Windows API MessageBeep(), SndPlaySound(), and the MCI family of functions. MessageBeep() is defined in the System Library, whereas the other functions are defined in the Win32 API library. In order to use these functions, you must include the Win32 API library in your application's search path. | |
ToWord |
Convert a number to a word.
| |
Transform(Logic, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
Transform(String, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
Transform(Date, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
Transform(Float, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
Transform(Symbol, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
Transform(Usual, String) |
Convert any value into a formatted string.
| |
TString |
Convert a specified number of seconds to a time string.
| |
Type(String) |
Determine the data type of an expression represented as a string.
| |
Type(String, Long) |
Determine the data type of an expression represented as a string.
| |
Unformat |
Convert a transformed string back to its original value.
| |
UnRegisterAxit |
Terminate the registration of an object that has been registered with RegisterAxit().
| |
Used |
Determine whether a database file is open.
| |
Used(Usual) |
Determine whether a database file is open.
| |
UsualType |
Determine the data type of an expression.
| |
UsualVal |
Access contents of an address, whether it is passed by reference or not.
| |
Val |
Convert a string containing a numeric value to a numeric data type.
| |
ValType |
Determine the data type of an expression.
| |
VarGet |
Return the contents of a field or a memory variable.
| |
VarGetSym |
Return the contents of a field or a memory variable.
| |
VarPut |
Assign a value to a field or a memory variable of a given name.
| |
VarPutSym |
Assign a value to a field or a memory variable of a given name.
| |
Version |
Returns the version of X# you are using.
| |
VoDbAlias |
Return the alias of a specified work area as a string.
| |
VoDbAliasSym |
Return the alias of a specified work area as a symbol.
| |
VoDbAppend |
Add a new record.
| |
VoDbBlobInfo(DWord, DWord, Usual) | Retrieve information about a memo column. | |
VoDbBlobInfo(DWord, DWord, Usual) | ||
VoDbBof |
Determine when beginning-of-file is encountered.
| |
VoDbBuffRefresh | Refresh the buffer for the current Workarea, discarding any changes that were made. | |
VoDbClearFilter |
Clear a logical filter condition.
| |
VoDbClearLocate |
Clear a locate condition by deleting the locate code block.
| |
VoDbClearRelation |
Clear any active relations.
| |
VoDbClearScope | Clear the active locate condition. | |
VoDbCloseAll |
Close all files in all work areas.
| |
VoDbCloseArea |
Close all files in a work area.
| |
VoDbCommit |
Flush pending updates in one work area.
| |
VoDbCommitAll |
Flush pending updates in all work areas.
| |
VoDbContinue |
Resume a pending locate condition.
| |
VoDbCreate(String, Array, String, Logic, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Create new file through the specified RDDs
| |
VoDbCreate(String, Array, Type, Logic, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Create new file through the specified RDDs
| |
VoDbCreate(String, Array, _RddList, Logic, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Create new file through the specified RDDs
| |
VoDbDelete |
Mark the current record for deletion.
| |
VoDbDeleted |
Return the deleted status of the current record.
| |
VoDbEof |
Determine when end-of-file is encountered.
| |
VoDbEval |
Evaluate a code block for each record that matches a specified scope and/or condition.
| |
VoDbFieldGet |
Retrieve the value of a specified database field.
| |
VoDbFieldGetBytes |
Retrieve the value of a specified database field.
| |
VoDbFieldInfo(DWord, DWord, Usual) |
Retrieve field definition information about a field.
| |
VoDbFieldInfo(DWord, DWord, Usual) |
Retrieve field definition information about a field.
| |
VoDbFieldPut |
Set the value of a specified database field.
| |
VoDbFieldPutBytes |
Set the value of a specified database field.
| |
VoDbFileGet | Import contents from file into Memo field | |
VoDbFilePut | Export field contents from Memo field to file | |
VoDbFilter |
Return a filter.
| |
VoDbFlock |
Lock an opened and shared database file.
| |
VoDbFound |
Determine if the previous search operation succeeded.
| |
VoDbGetScope | Gets the current locate condition. | |
VoDbGetSelect |
Return the work area number.
| |
VoDbGetSelect(String) |
Return the work area number for a certain alias
| |
VoDbGoBottom |
Move to the last logical record.
| |
VoDbGoto |
Move to a record specified by record number.
| |
VoDbGoTop |
Move to the first logical record.
| |
VoDbInfo(DWord, Usual) |
Retrieve information about a work area.
| |
VoDbInfo(DWord, Usual) |
Retrieve information about a work area.
| |
VoDbJoinAppend | Write values to destination Workarea in a JOIN operation | |
VoDbLastRec |
Return the number of the last record in a database file.
| |
VoDbLocate |
Search for the first record that matches a specified condition and scope.
| |
VoDbMemoExt | Return Memo File extension | |
VoDbOrdBagExt |
Return the default index file extension for a work area as defined by the its RDD.
| |
VoDbOrdCondSet |
Set the condition and scope for an order.
| |
VoDbOrdCreate |
Create or replace an order in an index file.
| |
VoDbOrdDestroy |
Remove an order from an open index file.
| |
VoDbOrderInfo(DWord, String, Usual, Usual) |
Return information about index files and the orders in them.
| |
VoDbOrderInfo(DWord, String, Usual, Usual) |
Return information about index files and the orders in them.
| |
VoDbOrdListAdd |
Open an index file and add all its orders to the order list in a work area.
| |
VoDbOrdListClear |
Remove orders from the order list in a work area and close associated index files.
| |
VoDbOrdListRebuild |
Rebuild all orders in the order list of a work area.
| |
VoDbOrdSetFocus |
Set the controlling order for a work area.
| |
VoDbPack |
Remove all records that have been marked for deletion from a database file.
| |
VoDbRddCount | ||
VoDbRddCount(DWord) | Obsolete. | |
VoDbRddInfo(DWord, Usual) | Return and optionally change settings controlled directly by the RDD. | |
VoDbRddInfo(DWord, Usual) | Return and optionally change settings controlled directly by the RDD. | |
VoDbRddList | ||
VoDbRddList(_RddList, DWord) | Obsolete. | |
VoDbRddName |
Return an RDD name.
| |
VoDbRddSetDefault |
Return and optionally change the default RDD for the application.
| |
VoDbRecall |
Restore the current record if it is marked for deletion.
| |
VoDbRecno |
Return the current record number.
| |
VoDbRecordGet | Get the contents of the current record as an array of bytes | |
VoDbRecordInfo(DWord, Usual, Usual) |
Retrieve information about a record.
| |
VoDbRecordInfo(DWord, Usual, Usual) |
Retrieve information about a record.
| |
VoDbRecordPut(Byte*) | Update the current record from an array of bytes | |
VoDbRecordPut(Byte) | Update the current record from an array of bytes | |
VoDbRelation |
Return the linking expression of a specified relation.
| |
VoDbRlock |
Lock the current record.
| |
VoDbRSelect |
Return the work area number of a relation.
| |
VoDbSeek(Usual, Logic) |
Move to the record having the specified key value.
| |
VoDbSeek(Usual, Logic, Logic) |
Move to the record having the specified key value.
| |
VoDbSelect(DWord, DWord) |
Select a new work area and retrieve the current work area.
| |
VoDbSelect(DWord, Usual) |
Select a new work area and retrieve the current work area.
| |
VoDbSetFilter |
Set a filter condition.
| |
VoDbSetFound |
Set the found flag.
| |
VoDbSetLocate |
Specify the code block for a locate condition.
| |
VoDbSetRelation |
Relate a specified work area to the current work area.
| |
VoDbSetScope | Set the locate condition. | |
VoDbSetSelect |
Select a new work area.
| |
VoDbSkip |
Move the record pointer relative to the current record.
| |
VoDbSkipScope | Position the cursor relative to its current position within the current scope. | |
VoDbSort |
Copy records to a database file in sorted order.
| |
VoDbSymSelect |
Select a new work area by specifying its alias as a symbol and return the number of the current work area.
| |
VoDbTrans |
Transfer records to an open database file.
| |
VoDbTransRec | Copy a single row from one work area to another. | |
VoDbUnlock |
Release all locks for a work area.
| |
VoDbUnLockAll |
Release all locks for all work areas.
| |
VoDbUseArea(Logic, String, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Open a database file.
| |
VoDbUseArea(Logic, Type, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Open a database file.
| |
VoDbUseArea(Logic, _RddList, String, String, Logic, Logic) |
Open a database file.
| |
VoDbZap |
Remove all records from open files.
| |
XSharpLoadLibrary | Dynamically loads a library (dll) compiled with X#, running any _INIT procedures it may contain. | |
Year |
Extract the number of the year from a date.