Click or drag to resize

DataListView Methods (Typed)


The DataListView type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivate
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a window is activated.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddChild (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodAddColumn
Add one or more columns to a data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodAsString (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodBringToFront (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCanUndo
Determine if the most recent changes to a data browser column can be undone (using DataBrowser:Undo()).
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCellCaptionDoubleClick (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCellDoubleClick (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCode exampleChangeBackground
Set a new background brush for this data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCode exampleChangeFont
Set a new font in a particular area of the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodChangeTextColor (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodClear
If one or more cells in the data browser are selected, clear their contents; if only some characters in a cell are selected, remove only those characters.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodColPos
Return the position of the currently focused column.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCode exampleColumnFocusChange
Provide a method that is invoked when the column focus is changed.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodColumnMoved
Provide a method that is invoked when a column is moved.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodColumnReSize
Provide a method that is invoked when a column is resized.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCopy
Copy the current selection in the data browser to the clipboard.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCreate
Creates the underlying Win32 control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCreateWindowEx (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCut
Cut the current selection in the data browser to the clipboard.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodDataBrowserHandleCreated (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodDeactivate
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a window is deactivated.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDefault
Call the default windows procedure for a control and set the EventReturnValue.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodDestroy
Provide a method to de-instantiate a DataBrowser object.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodDisable (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodDisableTheme
Disable the WinXP theme for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDispatch
Provide the prototype dispatcher for events within the system when the control has focus; routing various events to their appropriate event handlers.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDrop (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodEnable
Enable a control that was previously disabled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodEnableBorder
Specify the border style of the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableColumnMove
Enable/disable whether the user can move (rearrange) columns in the data browser with the mouse. If this method is not called, the ability to move columns is enabled, by default.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableColumnReSize
Enable/disable whether the user can resize columns in the data browser with the mouse. If this method is not called, the ability to resize columns is enabled, by default.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodCode exampleEnableColumnTitles
Turn column titles on or off for the entire browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableGrid
Enable/disable the display of a grid. If this method is not called, the grid is enabled, by default.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableHorizontalScroll
Enable/disable horizontal scrolling of a data browser. If this method is not called, horizontal scrolling is enabled, by default.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableHorizontalSplit
Enable/disable a horizontal splitbar in the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableVerticalScroll
Enable/disable vertical scrolling of a data browser. If this method is not called, vertical scrolling is enabled, by default.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodEnableVerticalSplit
Enable/disable a vertical splitbar in the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodError
Provide a method for handling error conditions raised during data browser processing.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodExpose
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and whenever part of the window needs repainting.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFocusChange
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the input focus changes from the current control to another (or vice versa).

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetColumn
Retrieve a specified column in this data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodHandle
Return the handle for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasBorder
Check if a border has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHasStyle
Check if a style value has been set for the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHide
Hide a control so it is not visible (until a subsequent call to Control:Show()).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodHorizontalScroll
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a horizontal scroll bar is scrolled.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsCellReadOnly (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodIsEnabled
Report if this control is currently enabled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsReadOnly
Report if this control is currently readonly.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodIsVisible
Report if this control is visible (completely or partially) or hidden.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodKeyDown
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a key on the keyboard is pressed.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodKeyUp
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a key on the keyboard is released.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodLinkDF
Connect a control to a data field in a data server.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMenuInit
Provide a method that is invoked when a pop-up menu owned by the control is about to pop up.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMenuSelect
Provide a method that is invoked when an item on a menu owned by the control is highlighted.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonDoubleClick
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is double-clicked.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonDown
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is clicked.

(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseButtonUp
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus, the mouse pointer is positioned over the window, and a mouse button is released.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseDrag
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a mouse with one or more buttons clicked is moved in the window.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMouseMove
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the mouse is moved in the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodMove
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the control is moved (either by the user or by the application).
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodNotify
An event handler that reflects events that have occurred in the server connected to this data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnCellDoubleClick (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnCellEnter (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnCellPainting (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnColumnHeaderMouseClick (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnColumnHeaderMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnControlCreated (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodOnHandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodOnHandleDestroyed (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodOverRide
This is a compatibility method that is no longer used or needed.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodPaintBackGround (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodPaste
Paste the current contents of the clipboard into the current data browser cell.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodPerformValidations
Perform all the validations defined to this control's field specification (for example, required, maximum and minimum digits, maximum and minimum value, validation rule) and return the result of the test.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodProcessKeyDown (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodRefresh
Forces the contents of the data browser to be updated from the data server.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodRegisterTimer
Register a timer method to be invoked for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRemoveColumn
Remove a column from this data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodRenderColumnHeader (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodRenderColumnHeaderBorder (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodRePaint
Send an ExposeEvent to repaint the control
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodResize
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and the control changes size.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRestoreUpdate
Update this data browser visually and restore standard operation (after DataBrowser:SuspendUpdate() is called).
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSendToBack (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetCaption
Set the caption for the data browser title bar.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSetColumn
Replace an existing column in the data browser with another column.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSetColumnFocus
Set the column focus to a specified data column.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSetExStyle
Set the exstyle for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetFocus
Pass input focus to a control, thereby directing all mouse and keyboard input to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetPointer
Set a new pointer to be used when the mouse moves over a particular area of the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSetStandardStyle
Set the appearance of the data browser's caption areas.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodSetStyle
Set the style for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodShow
Show this data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodShowToolTip (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSuspendUpdate
Temporarily disable repainting of the data browser while data is being altered; painting resumes with a call to DataBrowser:RestoreUpdate().
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodTimer
Provide a method to be invoked at specific intervals defined when the timer is registered though the RegisterTimer() method.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodUndo
Undo recent changes to a row in the data browser.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodUse
Connect the data browser to a data server in a client-server relationship.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodValidate
Determine whether the currently focused record is valid.
(Inherited from DataBrowser.)
Public methodValidateControl
This method validates if the control has been created and when not then it triggers the control creation
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodVerticalScroll
Provide a method that is invoked when the control has focus and a vertical scroll bar is scrolled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodVScrollRepositionAndResize (Inherited from DataBrowser.)
See Also