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XSharp.Data Namespace

This namespace contains several types used in the XSharp runtime to access data through the Ado.Net Data providers.
Public classAbstractSqlFactory
This is the base class for most ISqlFactory implementations.
Public classFunctions
This compiler generated class contains all the functions, globals and defines that are defined in the XSharp.Data.dll assembly.
Public classOdbcFactory
This is the class that implements a Factory to access data through the Ado.Net ODBC Classes.
Public classOleDbFactory
This is the class that implements a Factory to access data through the Ado.Net Microsoft SQL Server classes.
Public classSqlServerFactory
This is the class that implements a Factory to access data through the Ado.Net Microsoft SQL Server classes.
Public interfaceISqlFactory
This interface declares the common behavior for all XSharp Data Factory classes.