Click or drag to resize

AppCommandEvent Properties


The AppCommandEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCommand
The command associated with this event.
Public propertyHandle
The pointer to the window where the event occurred
(Inherited from Event.)
Public propertyIsControl
Returns TRUE if the Control Key is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsDeviceKey
Returns TRUE if the device that issued the command was a keyboard; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsDeviceMouse
Returns TRUE if the device that issued the command was a mouse; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsDeviceOEM
Returns TRUE if the device that issued the command was an OEM device; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsLeftButton
Returns TRUE if the Left mouse button is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsMiddleButton
Returns TRUE if the Middle mouse button is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsRightButton
Returns TRUE if the Right mouse button is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsShift
Returns TRUE if the Shift Key is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsXButton1
Returns TRUE if the first X mouse button is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyIsXButton2
Returns TRUE if the second X mouse button is down; otherwise, FALSE.
Public propertyMessage
A dword representing the Windows API message associated with the given event.
(Inherited from Event.)
Public propertyoTarget
Returns the target of the command. If it is a Key event the target is focused control or window. If it is a Mouse event the target is the control or window that is under the mouse pointer.
Public propertyWindow
An object indicating the window or control in which the event occurred. This is helpful, for example, for distinguishing between similar menu events coming from the same context menu attached to different controls.
(Inherited from Event.)
See Also