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CFtp Class

Wrapper class for high-level File Transfer Protocol (FTP) functions provided by Microsoft in Wininet.dll.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VO
Assembly:  VOInternetClasses (in VOInternetClasses.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
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The CFtp type exposes the following members.

Public methodCFtp
Construct a CFtp object instance.
Public propertyAccessType
The type of Internet session. The default type is INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT. The alternate type is INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyConnected
A logical value indicating the status of the connection.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyConnectHandle
Internet connection handle.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyError
The number of the last error code received.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyErrorMsg
A string representing the last error message received.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyHandle
The Internet session handle.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyOpenFlags
**Missing documentation **
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyPassWord
The password necessary to establish the remote connection.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyPort
The Port number of the current session communication.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyProxy
A string containing the name of the proxy server (or servers) to use for Internet connections.
(Overrides Proxy.)
Public propertyProxyBypass
A string representing the proxies to bypass when establishing the remote connection.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyRemoteHost
A string representing the Host name or IP address of the remote server.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public propertyUserName
A string representing the User ID necessary to establish the remote connection.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public methodAppend
**Missing documentation **
Public methodCloseFile
Closes a remote file.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public methodCloseRemote
Closes the Internet connection.
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public methodCode exampleConnectRemote
Connect an application to a remote FTP server.
(Overrides ConnectRemote(Usual, Usual, Usual, Usual).)
Public methodCreateDir
Create a new directory on the FTP server.
Public methodDeleteFile
Delete a file stored on the FTP server.
Public methodDestroy
**Missing documentation **
(Inherited from CSession.)
Public methodDirectory
Create an array of directory and file information about the remote FTP server.
Public methodGetCurDir
Get the name of the current directory on the remote FTP server for the current process.
Public methodCode exampleGetFile
Receive a file from the FTP server.
Public methodCode exampleInternetStatus
Method InternetStatus() is a callback placeholder to receive current status information for an FTP session. It should be overloaded by subclasses to implement the desired behavior.
(Overrides InternetStatus(Usual, Usual, Usual, Usual).)
Public methodOpen
Initialize an application's use of the Win32 Internet functions.
(Overrides Open(Usual, Usual, Usual).)
Public methodOpenFile
Open a remote file for writing or reading.
Public methodCode examplePutFile
Store a file on the FTP server.
Public methodRemoveDir
Delete a directory from the remote FTP server.
Public methodRenameFile
Rename a file stored on the FTP server.
Public methodSetCurDir
Change the current directory on the remote FTP server for the current process.
Public methodSetResponseStatus
**Missing documentation **
(Inherited from CSession.)
This class provides all necessary methods and properties for file transfer and exchange using File Transfer Protocol.
See Also
