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CMessage Class

Base class for CEmail class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VO
Assembly:  VOInternetClasses (in VOInternetClasses.dll) Version: 2.22 GA
 CLASS CMessage
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The CMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodCMessage
Construct a new CMessage object.
Public propertyAttachmentCount
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyAttachmentFileList
An array of filenames for attachments. (Used only by CNews.)
Public propertyAttachmentList
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyBody
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyBodyHtml
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyCargo
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyContentType
A string representing the content type for that section.
Public propertyError
A number representing the error most recently occurring.
Public propertyErrorMsg
A string representing the details of the last error.
Public propertyFrom
Public propertyFromAddress
A string representing the email address of the sender.
Public propertyFromName
A string representing the name of the sender.
Public propertyHEADER
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyMailBody
A string representing the entire contents of the body of the email. This will include all attachments and multi-part extensions.
Public propertyMailDate
Returns the creation date of the message.
Public propertyMailHeader
A string representing the entire header contents for the email.
Public propertyMailTime
Returns the creation time of the message as a string.
Public propertyMessageID
A string representing the ID of the email.
Public propertyPriority
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyReferences
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyReplyTo
**Missing documentation **
Public propertySubject
**Missing documentation **
Public propertyTimeStamp
Returns the creation date and time of the message as a Time-stamp string.
Public propertyTransferEncoding
A string representing the Transfer encoding type for the current section.
Public methodBodyExtract
**Missing documentation **
Public methodDecode
Decodes a raw message string into its parts.
Public methodDecodeAndSaveAs
This is an abstract method called by CMessage:SaveAs() If the code type is unknown. This method can be provided by the developer to implement unsupported code types.
Public methodFakeAttachmentList
Gets the original file names of the attachment(s).
Public methodGetAttachInfo
Retrieves information about attachment(s).
Public methodGetHeaderInfo
Extracts all the header information and stores that information into the appropriate properties.
Public methodSaveAs
Decode and save the attachment.
Public methodSetMailTime
Converts the current time and date into an Internet timestamp string for the current message object.

Important! CMessage is an abstract class and should not be used directly — instead, use one of its subclasses. This abstract class defines the common protocol — properties and behaviour — used by the e-mail classes, CEmail.
See Also
