Happy Star Wars day

Some updates on this special day for the Star Wars fans ("May the Fourth be with you").

The 2.4 build has been well received, but unfortunately there were a few small issues.
We are preparing a 2.4a build that fixes this, and will also release that revised build to the general public.

For coming Thursdag (May 7) at 16:00 Amsterdam time we have planned another online session, using Zoom.
This time we'll focus on some language / compiler improvements.
There is much that we can cover, so please let us know which of the topics you would like to be covered:

  • IS Var
  • special Out declarations: Out VAR Id, OUT Id as Type, OUT NULL
  • Show how we now don't longer need to use version resources but how the version info is generated from assembly attributes (and how you can switch back to the old behavior)
  • New notation for literal numbers with thousands separators
  • Show #pragma warnings and #pragma optionsto override commandline arguments in code
  • Passing variables by reference to untyped functions
  • Some other things in the language that are not new for X#, but may be new for people coming from VO or FoxPro
    • LINQ
    • LAMBDA expressoins versus Codeblocks. How are they the same and how are the different
    • FOREACH statement (including enumerating arrays)
    • VAR keyword
    • Anonymous types
  • Anything else ?



  • Probably tickling areas right along Matts interest: When is an object in xSharp early or late bound, how to see/check when writing code and how to verify in the runtime, contrasting against COM early and late binding, which we could (kinda...) force in vfp.

    Seems I had misinterpreted at least some mechanisms along Type and some TypeInfo members (AsType, GetInterface(s), IsInstanceOf), and the MS descriptions are not always clear in my mind...

  • Everything is interesting. But it seems to be too much for one "lesson". Can you probably take away LINQ and LAMBDA and put it into sessions for the coming weeks?