We have just released the public installer for XSharp Bandol 2.20 (our Christmas gift for 2019)
The complete readme with the description of the changes can be found here.
This is the same build as the subscribers build, with the exception that subscribers get a slightly faster compiler, a .Net core version of the compiler  and debug versions of the runtime assemblies to aid in tracking errors (not that we have any <g>).

You can download the installer from here (you have to login first):

{rsfiles path="installers/XSharpSetup22Public.zip"}

The development team wishes you all a very happy Chrismas !

We have just released a new installer for XSharp Bandol 2.20 to our FOX subscribers.

This build fixes a few issues found in Bandol 2.1. It also adds support for the FoxPro Cursor.Field syntax.

The complete readme with the description of the changes can be found here

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetup22Fox.zip"}

A public "Christmas" build will follow shortly.

Azyra Systems report that their large scale Enterprise System used by 100+ logistics businesses in 12 countries is now built with X# as the principal language and Microsoft Sql Server as the database.

Jimmy Cahill, Joint CEO of Azyra, told us

"We are delighted with the unrivalled coding efficiency, compilation speed and runtime performance. X# not only allowed us to modernise our tried and tested code and business logic but put us at the forefront of everything IT."

"We freely mix X# and C# giving our development team access to everything they need to race ahead of our competition. For example, we've moved the GUI to WPF and our designers are busy adding charts and dashboards everywhere for visual appeal and to give our clients immediate insights to their business."

"The X# Team have done a magnificent professional job of building on and completing the work done by generations of the xBase community. They have set the scene for the xBase syntax to be recognised as a much more efficient and elegant language than C# - and by far the best language for teaching object orientated development."

We have just released a new installer for XSharp Bandol 2.10 to our FOX subscribers.

This build fixes a few issues found in Bandol 2.08. It also adds support for parameters by reference to untyped methods and functions.

The complete readme with the description of the changes can be found here

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetup210aFox.zip"}

We have uploaded videos from the Post Conference workshop at SW Fox.

We would like to thank Tore Bleken for his help with editing the videos.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

We hope you will enjoy the videos.

The powerpoint that was used during this session is also available as well as Roberts example.

The examples from Fabrice are part of the other downloads that we made available earlier.

Click here to go to the folder with the files.

We have uploaded the presentations and sample files from the Vendor session that we did at South West Fox 2019.

Click here to go to the folder with the files.

Update, Sunday evening 27th:

The presentations and messages from the post conference workshop will follow soon.
With a little luck we will also be able to post the recorded video from that session online.  Stay tuned!


Matt Slay has recorded a video of one of the two vendor sessions we did.

Click here to watch this video on youtube: https://youtu.be/wA61SryiMlk