We have just released an installer with updated runtime files for XSharp Bandol RC2 for our FOX subscribers.
This update contains many changes, in particular:

  • FPT writing in the DBFCDX RDD, and also reading of FlexFile arrays stored in FPT files
  • We have added support for the VFP Collations in the CDX driver
  • We have solved a few issues in the Advantage RDD and also exposed the AdsConnect60() function
  • We have added some missing defines to the Runtime and a version of the Crypt() function that works with byte[] values
  • We have added FieldGetBytes() and FieldPutBytes() to store binary data (encrypted passwords) to a DBF without having to worry about unwanted side effects of Ansi - Unicode translations.
  • We have fixed several issues in the macro compiler related to handling (DBF) fields with the same name as built in types, such as DATE and CODE (short for CodeBlock).
  • We have made several changes in the VOSDK libraries. The biggest change is that both System Classes and RDD Classes are now compiled with a target platform AnyCPU, so they can be used in X64 apps. We have also removed some late bound code from these class libraries, so the code should perform somewhat faster.

Please note that this setup must be installed on top of an existing RC2 installation. It does not include the compiler and VS support files. It only replaces the runtime components.

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetupRt2RC2cFox.exe"}

If you want to download the complete list of changes click here:
{rsfiles path="general/Readme/rtwhatsnew2RC2c.rtf"}

We got some request to move our ticketing system from the proprietry system on our website to Github.

As of today the GitHub issues list is our official bug list / todo list.

We can imagine that you don't want to share your problems with the rest of the world. So you can still mail us at bugreports@xsharp.eu and we will process your bug report confidentially.

In most cases bug reports send to us by mail will be posted by ourselves at Github (without the details of the person that posted the issue). Of course you can still follow these bugreports at Github.

The "Tickets" button on the top of this screen has now been changed and points to the Github issues page on the XSharpPublic repository.

We do not have the source of the Compiler in this repo (yet) but Compiler tickets will also be managed through Github.


We have just released XSharp Bandol RC2 for our Fox subscribers.

This build mainly has improvements in the Runtime. We have added the long awaited DBFCDX driver and also a new DBFVFP driver, which is like the DBFCDX driver but with added support for new Visual Foxpro field types such as Integer, DateTime, Double, Float and Currency.

We have also added some elements needed for the FoxPro support to the compiler, such as FoxPro compatible Date and DateTime literals and the THIS keyword and DOT as operator for instance methods and properties. So in the FoxPro dialect you can use THIS.Text which is the same as SELF:Text in the other dialects. Support for FoxPro class definitions and a header file to map the FoxPro commands to the already existing DBF related and settings related functions will be added later.

The next build will be the Bandol Final Release. We expect to work on some VS improvements (for example in the Windows Form Editor) and we will also complete the FoxPro support in the compiler and add a FoxPro compatible header file with UDCs for the various DBF related commands.

After that build we expect no major compiler changes for a while, and will focus on Runtime improvements for the various dialects, such as a SQL based workarea (for the FoxPro SQL.. functions) and a functions that wrap a DBF workarea in a Ado.Net DatTable or DataView so you can assign a DBF workarea as datasource for a standard .Net browse control.

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/XSharpSetup2RC2Fox.zip"}

Just a quick message about our progress in the RDD system and other areas of the product.

The DBFCDX RDD is now working, and we have also added a DBFVFP RDD that allows you to read and update Visual Foxpro DBF files. DBFVFP is not completely ready yet (for example AutoIncrement fields are not automatically updated) but complete enough to allow to read VFP tables. We support Binary and Nullable fields, and new datatypes such as Currency, DateTime, Double and more.

Further we made some changes to the compiler. We have started work on the FoxPro dialect and we now suppress including the Vulcan Header files if you are having a reference to SDKDEFINES.DLL or the relevant X# SDK files. This should make compile speed somewhat faster. Of course it is better to remove the #includes when you don't need them anymore.

We have also fixed some issues in the runtime, such as the macro compiler and some of the runtime functions.

We expect that we can publish a new build (for our subscribers only) by the end of next week.

We expect to release the complete runtime early July.

And don't forget the special "Spring" discount of 25% for new subscribers. Click here to order now.

The X# devteam has decided to sponsor the annual FoxPro event in Arizona (US) and will also present the current state of the X# development, including the FoxPro dialect of course. On behalf of the devteam Fabrice and Robert will be present.

We are looking forward to this opportunity to show our product to the FoxPro community.

We hope to see you all in October !

Microsoft has released several updates to VS 2019. The latest updates now properly support other languages on the New Project dialog:


So from now on we will support VS2019 for X#.




We had a first presentation of XSharp during the AtoutFox meeting in Lyon, France : May 23-24, 2019


Current state of art, with different xBase "dialects" : Core, Visual Objects, Xbase++, VFP, ...

Many thanks to all members for their friendly welcome and all the help they offered in order have strong support of Visual FoxPro in XSharp.

rz fabrice atoutfox2019 1 rz fabrice atoutfox2019 2

It's time for a quick update about what we have been doing. Here are some things that we have worked on since the last build:

  • We have started work on the FoxPro dialect and have also added a WITH block for all dialects
  • We have also added support for END keywords for entities that do not allow this yet, such as END PROCEDURE, END METHOD, END ACCESS etc. These keywords are optional
  • We made several changes to improve the VS integration, such as better type lookup for functions declared in namespaces, better support for the var keyword, improbed support for Xbase++ dialect etc. X# works fine now with VS 2019, except that our project templates are still poorly visible on the New Project dialect. Microsoft has now promised to change that in one of the upcoming updates.
  • We have made several changes to the runtime. For example dynamic class creation for the Xbase++ dialect (ClassCreate() etc) and for the Xbase++ DataObject class. We have also added the functions that are part of the ASXML Library from Xbase++ (XMLDocOpen() etc). We have also improved several existing functions, such as Round(), ExecName() and others.
  • We have made several changes to the macro compiler, to solve some of the problems that were reported. We have also added support for macro based aliased expressions and ivar access ( (alias)->&varname,   expression:&ivarname etc)
  • And last but not least we have worked on the RDD system. Several small issues were detected and fixed in the Advantage RDD and the work on the DBFCDX driver is approaching the end. We expect to have a fully working DBFCDX rdd any day now.

More news will follow soon.