We are changing the system where our support tickets are managed.
This used to be a project on the plan.io website (xsharp.plan.io) but has been replaced by a system integrated with our website.

Registered users can access this system from the Contact - Manage Support Tickets  menu option, or by clicking on the [Tickets] button on the top right of the window.

Registered users can also email their tickets to us by sending an email to bugreports@xsharp.eu.
Please send from the email address that is linked to your website account. Your tickets will then be automatically linked to your user profile on this website. Emails from "unknown" accounts will not be processed by the system.

Like the last two years we are also attending the XBase.Future conferenced, organized by our Partner Fischer and Consultants from Germany.

We hope to meet you all there.

There is an "early bird" discount for people that register before the end of this month, so register now.

We are working very hard to show you some exciting new things at this conference. 

We will also present the new development roadmap for 2018 and beyond at this conference.

And yes, Robert will also show some picture there from his awesome trip to Antarctica




We have observed the usage of the news server and the forums on our website and we have come to the conclusion that most of you are using the forums on the website.
Originally we had planned to setup a synchronization task between the news server and forum, so you could choose the front end of your preference, but that appeared to be more complicated than we originally thought.
We have therefore decided to end the news server service and to focus on the forums only.
We know that some of you prefer the news server NNTP protocol over a webforum, because of the possibility to access information off-line.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this brings for you.
We are looking into a way to make forum messages available offline. That will be easier to implement than a two way synchronization between a news server and the forum.
As soon as we have more information about that we will let you know through the website.
This news server will be switched to Read-Only mode and will remain online for the coming months.
We will merge the existing messages on the appropriate forums on the webserver so the contents of these messages will not be lost.

New German and Italian Language forums

We have received requests to open a German and Italian language forum on this website. We have opened these new (public) forums today. These are public forums. To post to the forum you need to have a user account and login first.
The intention is to keep the conversations in these forums in the designated language. Threads in English will be moved to other forums.

Wolfgang Riedmann is going to help us to moderate these forums when needed.

Today, February 6, 2018, we have released build 1.1.2 of XSharp.
This is a maintenance release that fixes some bugs that were reported, especially in the Visual Studio integration and also in the compiler.
Some users experienced slowness in the editor. This build attempts to fix that. We have also made some changes to support some complicated forms in the Visual Studio Windows Forms editor.
This build is available for FOX subscribers from the downloads menu item on this website.

We have released an update for XSharp tonight. This update fixes some issues that were reported with the 1.1.0 version. The most significant changes are:


  • Improved debugger breakpoint experience
  • Fixed a problem with FOR ..NEXT with negative step values
  • Some changes in the preprocessor

Visual Studio Integration

  • Improved code parsing and code generation for the WPF and Windows form editor. As a result of that some more complex forms can now be opened without problems
  • Classes generated by the VO compatible editor now include the PARTIAL modifier

This new version is available for download for both FOX subscribers as wel as the general public from the download pages on this website.

And finally the X# development team wishes you all the best for 2018.