We are pleased to announce that XSharp Beta 11 has been released to our FOX subscribers today.
Tomorrow at the XBase.Future conference in Cologne we will also demonstrate this new version.
This beta contains many new features and works together with Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.

Some of the highlights of this build:

  • We fixed some reported compiler issues and optimized the preprocessor
  • Many improvements in the Visual Studio integration, such as Brace Matching, Peek definition and more
  • The speed of the background parser inside Visual Studio has been improved

For a complete list of changes look at the version history in the documentation on this website.

A public version of this build will be available later this week.

You have not seen any progress reports here for the last 2 weeks, so it is time to write something.

Of course the development team is busy preparing for the conference in Cologne (April 25-27, you can stilll register!). It is going to be an exciting event:

  • Fabrice will show X# code running on a another platform (Rasberry Pi)
  • Nikos is going to show scripting support for X#. With that you will probably be able to run X# script files from the command line and/or include X# script code (read from external files for example) in your app. That would be an ideal solution for data driven applications.The scripting support is also the foundation for our X# macro compiler.
  • Finally Robert will talk about .Net Core, .Net Standard and Windows Universal and show X# apps that work on all three of them.
    With X# you are no longer tied to the Microsoft platform, but you will be able to run your apps on Linux, IOS and Android as well.

Of course we have not only prepared for the conference. Some new features were added to the VS integration and the compiler and they have also both become a little faster. More about that short before Cologne.

Finally we have included a new customer example on the Customer examples webpage.


We have uploaded a new compiler for our FOX subscribers to the prerelease area on this website. This interim build fixes a couple of issues found by our subscribers in beta 10.

The most important change is the way how single quoted literals are handled:

In earlier builds a single quoted literal of 1 character was always treated as a character constant. Beta 10 would treat the single quoted literal always as a string constant and then try to detect the place where it was used and convert it to a character constant when needed. Unfortunately this was not working the way it should

So the original behaviour from before Beta 10 has been restored.
Some suggestions have been made on how to change this behaviour for a future build, and we are looking into this.

Other changes:

We are pleased to announce that XSharp Beta 10 has been released to our FOX subscribers today.
This beta contains many new features and works together with Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.

Some of the highlights of this build:

  • Support for User Defined Commands in the preprocessor, including Function style Defines
  • Many improvements in the Visual Studio integration.
  • A new 'ASTYPE' keyword, which works just like the 'as' keyword in C#. So it combines a type check and an assignment in one statement
  • Full support for VO style DEFINEs The type specication is now completely optional.
  • Some bug fixes
  • Performance improvements for compiling assemblies with large numbers of defines and/or (_DLL) functions

For a complete list of changes look at the version history in the documentation on this website.

Our next build is scheduled around end of April, short before the XBase.Future converence in Cologne.