Fora: Accessing "New" posts

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Fora: Accessing "New" posts

Post by FFF »

When i enter the Forum page, i see e.g. in Chit-Chat "(1 new)" - Unfortunately i can't click this, to get directly to the new post. It is NOT the "latest post", visible in the rightmost columns. So, i open Chit-Chat, look, scroll, NO new post, click to next page, etc. etc.
Anything possible to better this ?

(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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Fora: Accessing "New" posts

Post by lumberjack »

Karl, have you set your preferences to Newest First or Last?
Johan Nel
Boshof, South Africa
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Fora: Accessing "New" posts

Post by FFF »

good thinking, had a look, no, was "oldest".
But: i changed, updated, got back to "Forum", again i saw in Chit-Chat 1new and in the right column Terry's post. Clicking on this i land at the top of the page, not on the last post. Scrolled to post, clicked somewhere. Going back to Forum i still see 1new for Chit-Chat....
EDIT: "newest" has also a glitch: just went to the new thread re Casing, i land on the last/newest post. But that's not MY last seen post, so i have to scroll down to go to the first post, and start to read "upwards". Duh. Gimme a decend NG.
(on Win8.1/64, Xide32 2.20, X#
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