Hi Robert,
Finally, our "big" apps now completely in X# and I already put all Moving Forward Plan on X#.
I have crashes for weeks on test computers but not on my laptop, only to realized that I did not include all the files in %:Program Files (x86)XSharpRedist
Now, all good. Remaining problem is ReportPro reports that have imbedded expression like this:
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ReportPro on VO will simply execute it, but X# will trigger crashes. Most of the adjustment I did was on bBrowser. ported VO apps was from older bBrowser. Somehow some code does not work.
FOX subs is already top of our budget next year BUT we shall get this before year end to get the discount.
However, the following ADS ACE32 Method prototypes is still missing in XSharp.RDD > XSharp.ADS.ACE32:
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AdsMgGetUserNames( hMgmtHandle AS DWORD, pucFileName AS PSZ, astUserInfo REF ADS_MGMT_USER_INFO, pusArrayLen REF WORD, pusStructSize REF WORD ) AS DWORD PASCAL:ACE32.AdsMgGetUserNames
FUNC AdsMgGetOpenTables( hMgmtHandle AS DWORD, pucUserName AS PSZ, usConnNumber AS WORD, astOpenTableInfo REF ADS_MGMT_TABLE_INFO, pusArrayLen REF WORD, pusStructSize REF WORD ) AS DWORD PASCAL:ACE32.AdsMgGetOpenTables
Closer inspection, majority of AdsMgXXXXX aren't supported. This is the last issue am trying to fix. For now, this feature:
Ability to learn the number of users and tables open on the ADS remote server is still not-supported. I look for another way to do this. I used this features to determine which computers still running apps and what tables opened. In other way around, I query if particular table is open before doing anything else. For now, this is turn off.
Further observation from my testers: it looks cooler (I have no idea what they meant) and faster (I observed this too).
One issues on 2.6b. Forms are not properly rendered. I made an adjustments on the control width and height. It appears the changes is ignored. Another is Form Editor (at design time and test mode) background use the color of some controls making visually inaccurate. This is not an important issue for me now. But as I move completely to X#, it will be in the future.