Implementing missing VFP functions

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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by atlopes »


I think that the declaration for the VFP Bit* operations should be something like this:

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FUNCTION BitAnd (Num AS Integer, Num2 PARAMS Integer[]) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitAnd (BinString AS Binary, BinString2 PARAMS Binary[]) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitOr (Num AS Integer, Num2 PARAMS Integer[]) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitOr (BinString AS Binary, BinString2 PARAMS Binary[]) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitXOr (Num AS Integer, Num2 PARAMS Integer[]) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitXOr (BinString AS Binary, BinString2 PARAMS Binary[]) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitNot (Num AS Integer) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitNot (BinString AS Binary) AS Binary
FUNCTION BitNot (BinString AS Binary, StartBit AS Integer, BitCount := 1 AS Integer) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitSet (Num AS Integer, Bit AS Integer) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitSet (BinString AS Binary, StartBit AS Integer, BitCount := 1 AS Integer) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitClear (Num AS Integer, Bit AS Integer) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitClear (BinString AS Binary, StartBit AS Integer, BitCount := 1 AS Integer) AS Binary

FUNCTION BitTest (Num AS Integer, Bit AS Integer) AS Logical
FUNCTION BitTest (BinString AS Binary, Bit AS Integer) AS Logical

FUNCTION BitLShift (Num AS Integer, BitShift AS Integer) AS Integer
FUNCTION BitRShift (Num AS Integer, BitShift AS Integer) AS Integer
I believe this covers all the expected variations of the functions. As you can see, some of your examples won't match against any of these declarations.
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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by robert »


The problem with this approach is that in VFP almost everything is un-typed. So the parameters will often be of type USUAL.
The compiler will have no idea which of these functions to call.

I think the best solution is to create "top level" functions with USUAL parameter types. And then in these functions we can inspect the parameter types of the arguments and delegate the work to the right "worker function". And throw an error if an unexpected parameter type is passed.

For some functions we can add overloads:

Code: Select all

SWITCH UsualType(Num)
CASE __UsualType.Long
    RETURN _BitNot( (LONG) Num)
CASE __UsualType.Int64 // should we allow this too ?
    RETURN _BitNot( (INT64) Num)
CASE __UsualType.Binary
   RETURN _BitNot( (BINARY) Num)
   THROW Exception{"Unexpected type" }
FUNCTION BitNot (BinString AS USUAL, StartBit AS Integer, BitCount := 1 AS Integer) AS USUAL
// more work to do

And since the version with an integer should return an integer and the version with a Binary should return a binary the only solution is to set the return type to USUAL

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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by atlopes »


It's a decision you'll have to make. These set of functions either work with numeric parameters to return numeric results or work with binary parameters to return binary results. If you want to accept USUAL types then it will be USUAL at both sides, parameters and results. This was what was done with STRCONV() that returns a USUAL result (String or Binary).

The BITNOT implementation (USUAL not taken into consideration):

Code: Select all

    RETURN ~Num


FUNCTION BITNOT (BinString AS Binary) AS Binary

    RETURN BITNOT(BinString, 0, BinString.Length * 8)


FUNCTION BITNOT (BinString AS Binary, StartBit AS Int, BitCount := 1 AS Int) AS Binary

    LOCAL Result := BinString AS Byte[]
    LOCAL ByteIndex AS Int
    LOCAL BitIndex := StartBit AS Int
    LOCAL BitCounter AS Int

    FOR BitCounter := 1 TO BitCount
        ByteIndex := BitIndex / 8 + 1
        Result[ByteIndex] := _Xor(Result[ByteIndex], 1 << BitIndex % 8)


    RETURN (Binary)Result

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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Eric,

thanks for your input ! I´ve tried some of your '0h' prefixed values, and indeed it compiles with X#, but the X# results are:

Code: Select all

? 0h170101001000  // output is a string and the value is "0h170101001000"  ?
? 0h170101001000 + "addSomeText" // -> output is a string and the value is "0h170101001000616464536F6D6554657874" ?

? 0h110101001000 + "addSomeText" // -> output is a string and the value is "0h110101001000616464536F6D6554657874" ?
With X# a hex value is declared this way:

Code: Select all

?  0xFFFFFFFFFFFF  // -> 281474976710655

and a bin presentation looks like

Code: Select all

? 0b110101001000 // -> 3400 
note: the prefix is either '0x' or '0b'. For better readability you can add a underscore

Code: Select all

? 0xFFFF_FFFFF_FFFF  // -> 281474976710655 
? 0b1101_0100_1000  // -> 3400 
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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by atlopes »


I ran the following code against the exact implementation of the BITNOT() functions above.

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N := 10
B := 0hFFB0

The first display statement executes properly and calls the BITNOT(Int) AS Int, the second raises an error: 'XSharp.Error: 'Conversion.Error from USUAL(UNKNOWN) to LONGINT'.

My question is: why is X# trying to convert a USUAL to LONGINT in the first place? If X# knows the type of the underlying value in the second statement ("Q"), and if it's going to convert before calling the function, why not convert to Binary instead?
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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by atlopes »


The literals prefixed with 0h are type Binary, which basically is a binary string (Byte[]). It's a VFP data type that X# implemented since version 2.7.

The Bit* functions work on this data type differently from how they work with numeric values. For instance, a BitOr operation in a Binary string may extend the length of the string. In some cases, the meaning of the parameters is not even the same in both implementations.

Hex literals are represented in VFP in the same way as in X#, except for the underscore, while there is no provision for 2-base literals.
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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Antonio,

thanks for the "0h" clarificaton !

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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by robert »

Karl-Heinz ,

The ? operator is not the best way to look at a value like a binary value.
It calls the AsString() function on its parameters, and there may be additional logic in AsString() that may change "what you see".
For example if you display a floating point number it will use either the internal precision and decimals (for floats) or it may use the SetDecimals() and SetFixed() settings to format the number. That may result in a value like "******" if the number does not fit in the preset width or it may hide decimals that are stored in a number. You may see 1.234 for a number that actually has the value 1.2336

AsString() is here: ... s.prg#L238

For binaries it calls the Binary:ToString() method that you can find here: ... y.prg#L228

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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Antonio,

it seems there´s something missing in the USUAL support ? I can detect the correct type of the 'B' var:

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B := 0hFFB0

? UsualType ( b ) //  29 , ok
when i declare the 'B' var as Binary, or cast the var it works and the return value is 0h004F.

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// or  
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Implementing missing VFP functions

Post by atlopes »

Thank you, Karl-Heinz.

I hope that Robert and the X# team will clarify the difference in behavior between the two data types (numeric and binary string). It will help to compose the implementation of other VFP functions.
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