ReportPro3 anoying bug with pictures fixed

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ReportPro3 anoying bug with pictures fixed

Post by HeikoP »

Hello world,

i just fixed an really annoying bug in ReportPro 3 with pictures. If you add a picture and say it´s filename is returned by an expression and edit this again and say ok again without changing anything, it will change the picture to "from file". YOu can see this if you edit this again. The reasion is, that an the event OnControlClick is fired, when the obict is edited, but only if the picture-status is different from "from file". I think this is really bad code and i fixed it by making it worse ;-)

There are two exported usuals called self:expression and self:ExpIsFile, which are nil when the objects is initialized. I try to initialize the value in the OnControlClick method and if "from file" is selected in the initParam Method. See the code below. I still haven´t found out why this event is fired during intitialisation of this object only in certain cases, but however: It work for me.

Maybe someone is interested in this.


method OnControlClick(oEvent as cControlClickEvent) as longint pascal class rpDOPictureStyleDlg


local oControl as cControl
* local uRetval as usual

* uRetval:=super:OnControlClick(oEvent)

if self:lActive

if oControl==self:oCCFileBtn
* HJP 20210504 Change because somehow this Method is called while the Dialog is initialized, if this code is not there then it chages automatically to Bitmap from file.
* The user does not expect this.

if self:Expression==nil
self:Expression :=self:oObject:lExpression
self:ExpIsFile :=self:oObject:lExpIsFile
self:Expression :=false
self:ExpIsFile :=false
* self:Expression :=false
* self:ExpIsFile :=false

elseif oControl==self:oCCExpFileBtn
if self:Expression==nil
self:Expression :=self:oObject:lExpression
self:ExpIsFile :=self:oObject:lExpIsFile
self:Expression :=true
self:ExpIsFile :=true
* self:Expression :=true
* self:ExpIsFile :=true

elseif oControl==self:oCCExpBMPBtn
if self:Expression=nil
self:Expression :=self:oObject:lExpression
self:ExpIsFile :=self:oObject:lExpIsFile
self:Expression :=true
self:ExpIsFile :=false
* self:Expression :=true
* self:ExpIsFile :=false

elseif oControl==self:oDCRetainAspectBtn
self:RetainAspectRatio :=self:oDCRetainAspectBtn:Checked

elseif oControl==self:oDCEmbedPictureBtn
self:EmbedPicture :=self:oDCEmbedPictureBtn:Checked


return super:OnControlClick(oEvent)



method InitParams(oPicture as rpPicture,oSection as rpBaseSection,lPoly as logic) as logic pascal class rpDOPictureStyleDlg



self:cHelpTopic :="Picture Style"

self:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_DO_PICTURE_STYLE)
self:oDCSourceGroup:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_PICTTYPE_SELTEXT)
self:oCCFileBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_PICTTYPE_FILE)
self:oCCExpFileBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_PICTTYPE_EXPFILE)
self:oCCExpBMPBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_PICTTYPE_EXPBMP)

self:oDCRetainAspectBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_RETAIN_ASPECT)
self:oDCEmbedPictureBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_DO_EMBED_PICTURE)

self:oCCOkBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDL_BTN_OK)
self:oCCCancelBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDL_BTN_CANCEL)
self:oCCApplyAllBtn:Caption :=rpLangString(IDS_BTN_APPLYALL)

self:oObject :=oPicture:Clone()
self:oSection :=oSection
self:oDCDOExample:DrawObject :=self:oObject

self:oCCFileBtn:Pressed :=!self:oObject:lExpression

* HJP 20210504 Change because somehow the OnControlClick Method is called while the Dialog is initialized but only then, when lExpression is true,
* if this code is not there then it chages automatically to Bitmap from file.
* The user does not expect this. Let´s make bad code worse :-(

if self:oCCFileBtn:Pressed
self:Expression :=false
self:ExpIsFile :=false

self:oCCExpFileBtn:Pressed :=self:oObject:lExpression .and. self:oObject:lExpIsFile
self:oCCExpBMPBtn:Pressed :=self:oObject:lExpression .and. !self:oObject:lExpIsFile

self:oDCSourceEdit:TextValue :=self:oObject:cSource

self:oDCRetainAspectBtn:Checked :=self:oObject:lRetainAspectRatio
self:oDCEmbedPictureBtn:Checked :=self:oObject:lEmbedPicture

if !lPoly


self:lActive :=true


return self:Result==1


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