X# 2.14 so far

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X# 2.14 so far

Post by ic2 »

I resumed some work in X# after a few weeks with VO only. This time with 2.14.

This is what I found:

1 In general the specific issues either present in 2.12 or in 2.13 seem solved. That's good!

2 New is that after a while working (> 0,5 hour) in VS 2019, typing self: stops autosuggesting, and peek/goto stop working. E.g. I get a message Cannot navigate to the symbol under the cursor when trying to Goto a method present a bit further in the program. Restarting VS fixes it (for a while I guess)

3 After restarting VS any open tabs in design mode still show An error does occured (Winforms). Or it shows 'Working on it" endlessly. Closing the tab and re-opening the design mode again fixes it

4 There are still a lot of random or incorrect tabs (not) inserted with multiple actions. Sometimes it is probably unavoidable. E.g. when I insert an event with the VS Properties window it looks like this:

Private Method InsertInTo_Resize(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) As Void Strict

but this is probably done because it is inserting within:
End Class
End Namespace

I understand that although I am not indenting for a class or namespace (as I usually have the same in 1 prg).

I find the fact that the class variables are rearranged with every change (including comments moved to the next lines and today I saw even that a newly added variable where I moved the comment to the next line as a precaution overwrote the new variable with an existing one) a less frequent occurring but bigger issue. It would be great if VS would not change my layout of everything following 'CLASS'.

I have to add that all the missing or extra added inserts make programming a bit tiresome. I have to check every X# line and e.g. manually move Endif's to align with the IF and more. When I noticed this earlier I learned that it was by design for a reason I still don't understand so it's probably not going to change, I know. I partly solve it like this: a larger amount of code I start in VO and when ready I copy the perfectly aligned code to X#. But as I notice a large effort is done by the DevTeam to allow (with or without special settings) X# to work as much as VO I hope I am allowed to say that it would be great if that could be done (maybe with a setting) likewise for indenting, in some stage.

Finally: is there any ETA for a Immediate Window working with X# syntax? This is what I miss the most during debugging.

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X# 2.14 so far

Post by Chris »

Hi Dick,

Apart from the issue with goto definition stop working after a while, the other things are indeed known issues. Can't give a timeframe for fixing/implementing them, as it's such a very fragile area where fixing one thing (after A LOT of research and trial and error, since so much stuff are undocumented regarding VS integration) very easily breaks something else, can only promise that we're trying a lot to further improve everything regarding using VS.

Chris Pyrgas

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X# 2.14 so far

Post by ic2 »

Hello Chris,
Chris post=24973 userid=313 wrote: Apart from the issue with goto definition stop working after a while, the other things are indeed known issues. Can't give a timeframe for fixing/implementing them, as it's such a very fragile area where fixing one thing (after A LOT of research and trial and error, since so much stuff are undocumented regarding VS integration) very easily breaks something else, can only promise that we're trying a lot to further improve everything regarding using VS.

I know how bad it must be and I promised not to comment further on what I think about VS, but appreciate you keep trying. If my requests (more VO like indenting, maybe with a setting and a X# understanding IM window) keep being on the agenda, I assume/hope I am not the only one wanting that, that would already be great.

I'll let you know after a while if this goto definition stop re-occurs or if it was an incident. Issues like these are difficult to reproduce but I'll try to collect as much info as possible. Best would be that it was only a one time thing.

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