Processing .APP files

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Processing .APP files

Post by JohnBonnett88 »

Hi All,

I am working on a large VO application created by someone else and have no real experience with VO myself, but I have successfully used the XPorter program to process .AEF files into X#. I have discovered that in one part of the system I do not have .AEF files for the latest version to work on, but I do have some .APP files which seem a bit similar when I had a look inside them.

What are .APP files? They look like they may be and "executable" version of the application and are larger than the equivalent AEF.
I understand you cannot use the XPorter with .APP files but I can see source code inside of them that I could possibly tediously copy out and compare with the older version to bring my X# source up to date.

Any advice on what I might do to get the latest source if I have no .AEF files?
I will also try to find AEF files as well.

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Processing .APP files

Post by robert »

.APP files are binary files that contain source code, object code and dependency information.
If you have the whole folder of the project then you may be able to open that project in VO and export the project into AEF files.
If you are not sure which version of VO to use, then you may send the files to me.
I can fairly quickly see with which version of VO the files were created.

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Processing .APP files

Post by JohnBonnett88 »


Thank you for your reply. Now that we understand how it works, we have prodded someone locally who has done the conversion for us.

Thanks again,
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