WPF Textbox numeric entry

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WPF Textbox numeric entry

Post by wriedmann »

since I had the need for a numeric entry WPF TextBox without dependecies to the X# Runtime, I have search around and found this here:
https://github.com/SmarterDB/WPF-Maskab ... ry-TextBox
This seemed me to work well, and therefore I have translated the VB.NET code to X# and put it in a DLL XSharp.Tools.WPF.DataEntry.DLL.
You can find an XIDE application export file and a sample (and both binaries) here:
https://riedmann.it/download/XSharp.Too ... aEntry.zip
Comments are welcome!
P.S. I have changed the code only where needed - mostly is at is was written by the original developer. (the relative company seems to be out of business as their domain is for sale).
Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy
https://www.riedmann.it - https://docs.xsharp.it
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