I'm running a VO application that imports some C# code via DLL. Both VO and C# are opening a connection to the same database in ADS (free tables / no data dictionary). VO is using DbServer classes and C# is mapped with Entity Framework and a connection string. The connection string is: metadata=aaa.csdl|aaa.ssdl|aaa.msl; provider = Advantage.Data.Provider; provider connection string= 'Data Source=.; CharType = ADS_OEM; DbfsUseNulls = False; LockMode = PROPRIETARY; ReadOnly = False; SecurityMode = IGNORERIGHTS; ServerType = REMOTE; Shared = True; ShowDeleted = False; TableType = CDX; TrimTrailingSpaces = True'
The problem I have is around both assemblies running within the same process space accessing the DB at the same time. Querying the database from C# seems to be killing VO's ADS connection. I get 5333's and invalid ads connection handles. VO works fine up until the C# query runs. For example if I run:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
using (MYDB db = new MYDB())
var res = from lines in db.MyTable
where lines.MyColumn == xxxx
select lines;
foreach (var line in res)
return res;
Any ideas? I've been playing with Pooling=False and ConnectionHandle=<Connection I'm manually opening>, but I've had no luck as yet. I don't suppose any similar problems have been reported previously here?
I'm continuing to troubleshoot this problem. If I find any more clues I'll post them here too.