Experiencing R6025 - Pure Virtual Function Call Error with Ads ace32.dll

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Experiencing R6025 - Pure Virtual Function Call Error with Ads ace32.dll

Post by hilberg.it »

Hi guys,
this question is related to ADS .NET DataProvider.
I have an app running for month on a windows vm with X# + ADS. This one workds fine.
I wanted to switch over to another Windows VM and now I am experiencing with the exact same app a 'R6025 - Pure Virtual Function Call Error' caused by ace32.dll Version:
The Error pops up at various locations in the code.
Since the app also works on the other VM, I believe it can't be the source code. It might be related to .NET + ADS drivers.
I uninstalled and reinstalled .NET and tried other things like running system file checker. No improvement.

My questions to the community are:
- Did anyone experience similar difficulties with the ads DLLs?
- Any ideas what else I could try?
- What are the release plans for X# SQLRDD? I want to migrate as soon as possible. I don't feel comfortable with ADS anymore at all.

Thank you very much
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