The X# devteam wants to meet you !

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The X# devteam wants to meet you !

Post by robert »

After the success of the German conference in April and the Italian usergroup meeting in June we have decided that it is time that we see more of you, our users, face to face.

We are therefore planning 2 meetings at this moment. These will be relatively small events. One room, one speaker at a time. Also low budget, so no event night etc. to make sure that everybody can afford to be there.

The Netherlands and Belgium (Dutch Language)
This will be a one day event. Could be morning and afternoon or afternoon and evening. Please let us know what you prefer. Date and Location not known yet, but most likely between November 2018 and January 2019 and in the south of The Netherlands.

We will present the current state of the X# development and show how to migrate your apps from VO to .Net.
From the devteam Robert will be present. Of course there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

US & Mexican Meeting (English Language)
This will be a 2 day event. Most likely a Thursday and a Friday. You can arrive on Wednesday evening and you have the opportunity to take your spouse with you for a nice weekend away afterwards.
We are thinking about the last 2 weeks of March or the first week of April 2019.
The event will most likely take place in Austin Texas, so it will be not too far from Mexico as well.

We will present the current state of the X# development and show how to migrate your apps from VO to .Net.
We will also have time to explain some of the internals of the X# compiler and runtime and how you can use the new features in the product (generics, lambda expression, linq, scripting, multi threading etc) in your apps.
And of course there will also be plenty of time for questions and answers.
From the devteam there will be 2 people present.

Please let us know if you are interested.
If you are interested to attend one of these events or if you have suggestions please let us know. No commitment at this moment, but we'd like to have an idea about how many people we can expect.
Send a mail to info at xsharp dot eu.
We are also looking for local speakers that would like to share their experiences with X# or who would just like to demonstrate their apps.

The German conference
For those of you who are wondering what happened with the German conference for 2019:
this event will NOT take place in April 2019 but most likely in the autumn. More news about that will follow.

XSharp Development Team
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The X# devteam want to meet you !

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Robert,

that is a great idea!

It may seem a bit old-school, but personal meetings are invaluable for both the devteam and the users.

The Italian meeting was a big success and I have been asked to organize another one next year when the runtime and the RDDs are finished.

Wolfgang Riedmann
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The X# devteam want to meet you !

Post by ic2 »

Hello Robert,

We will assist Robert with organizing the event for Holland and will be there obviously, with I expect 4 people.

Would be great if we can meet a few people who used to attend SDN conferences.

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The X# devteam wants to meet you !

Post by pcalis »

This is great news. Hope to see you in Austin !


The X# devteam wants to meet you !

Post by PaulB »

Save 2 spots for me in Austin!!

Paul Bartlett
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The X# devteam wants to meet you !

Post by steveferrandino »

Hi Robert,
Definitely interested in Austin! Possibly 2 of us
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The X# devteam want to meet you !

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If there will be a new meeting in our part (Italy), I will be there. Danilo
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The X# devteam want to meet you !

Post by wriedmann »

Hi Danilo,

the German conference has been moved to autumn instead of spring.

And after the success from our last meeting we will try to do our best to organize another one.

Wolfgang Riedmann
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy -
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The X# devteam want to meet you !

Post by Intexso »

Hi Robert,

Would be nice to attend an event like this in Holland.

I'll try to be there.

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The X# devteam wants to meet you !

Post by »

Sorry I did not see this before,
Please count 3 more for Austin.
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