Existing VO project conversion

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Existing VO project conversion

Post by richpilks »

Hi Robert

I was traveling so could not reply sooner.

Thank you for the guide on how to do it manually, I will be getting on to that now.

Two specific questions:
1. Since we are now in .net with this can I use any .net mysql connector to connect to a mysql server for database access? I had to use ODBC before.
2. if you have a window resource that was created in the VO designer, does x# make use of that or do we have to redo the window designs? (could we change it in VO and copy back to X#)?

Thanks for your efforts and assistance you are giving us.

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Existing VO project conversion

Post by Chris »

Hi JP!

As Robert said, you are indeed compiling with the vulcan compiler (XIDE can compile x#, vulcan and c# apps). Please check the Project window, next to your app and libraries there's a "-VN" sign, saying that this is a vulcan app. It's easy to change it, through Application/Properties/General, change "Language" to x# and "Dialect" to "<vulcan>". But I'd suggest leaving it as at is for now, let's debug this step by step.

The first error you get, is due to a copy/paste clipboard error, see the signs surrounding "AdvantageRDD" in the red line, they are special characters, not normal double quotes. Replace those with double quotes (") and this error will go away.

The rest of the errors mean that the advantage RDD can not be loaded, because it is compiled against a different version of the vulcan runtime (401) than the one that you have. I assume you are using vulcan 3, or maybe one of the public trial versions? Which build exactly? You need to use the advantage RDD that was released specifically for the vulcan build that you are using, this is the main problem. I am sure you can find older versions of the advantage dlls in the ADS website. And I think you can also find CLR 4 dlls for older vulcan builds, at least I think I remember when I was part of the vulcan dev team, the ADS guys were releasing both CLR2 and CLR4 dlls separately.

Chris Pyrgas

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Existing VO project conversion

Post by robert »


1) Yes you can use any .NET datasource to connect to data. I would recommend you do that in stead of using the 'Old' SQL classes and ODBC.

2) If you mean 'VO Windows Binary' with resources, then the answer is Yes. X# will be able to use these and generate the source for the windows. Of course the windows will still be 'VO GUI' windows and will not be true Windows Forms or WPF windows.
Paul Piko has a tool, called FaceLift, that will read the Windows BInaries and will allow you to convert these to Windows Forms (http://www.vulcanmindmeld.net/).
Since the object model and events are different you will still have to manually port the events such as EditFocusChange and EditChange.

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Existing VO project conversion

Post by richpilks »


Thanks for those tips. In the long run it would be better to move away from the VO GUI so I will look into Pauls tool for porting and get into Windows forms or WPF windows.


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