OK, I'm clearly a moron. I cannot even get this started.

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OK, I'm clearly a moron. I cannot even get this started.

Post by Chris »

BiggyRat wrote:Here is a case in point. I created a new Standard VO MDI X# app. I've added absolutely NO CODE at all, yet it won't compile. The attached file shows everything I think....
Thanks for the screenshot, this shows two vulcan dlls in this window, which are not added automatically, are you sure you did not add them yourself? Please just delete those two entries (from this window, select them and press remove), now it should compile and run fine. If not, please let us know!

Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team

OK, I'm clearly a moron. I cannot even get this started.

Post by BiggyRat »

Hi Chris. I 100% did NOT add those all files to THIS APP. I DID add them in a very early attempt to get it all working in a previous app attempt. Could it carry over from that?
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Post by Chris »

Normally not. All the entries are correct, except for the two vulcan* ones, which I do not see how else were added, but I could be possibly not thinking of something, for example maybe in a previous version I had forgotten those entries in there. Try doing it again, creating another app with the same template, do they appear again?

But in any case, it is not really important, important thing is, did the app run fine once you removed those two entries? Can you add new dbservers, windows etc now? They should all work exactly the same as in VO, with some improvements, for example you can double click on a PushButton in the designer and it will automatically get you to the "Click Event" property in the code :)
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team

OK, I'm clearly a moron. I cannot even get this started.

Post by BiggyRat »

Hi Chris, No it looks OK now. I have noticed that sometime when playing around I might add a control or something and 2 new .vh files appear at the top of the prg file. Must be something I'm doing somewhere. I'll keep on it though. Thanks for your help mate, you've been great.
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OK, I'm clearly a moron. I cannot even get this started.

Post by lumberjack »

Hi Jeff,
BiggyRat wrote:This is probably just a required paradigm shift from me dealing with VO and before that, Clipper, but I just cannot work out what the hell I'm supposed to do to create an app.
Well seeing it seems you sort of got to at least compile something. Welcome. Here is maybe just a comment. If you don't need to do DBF stuff, rather jump straight into ADO and learn the .NET way of doing things. Drop the VO Classes, rather focus on the DbProviderFactories, DbConnection, DbCommand for database interfaces and Forms/WPF, DataGridView instead of bBrowser, MenuStrip etc. The Db<Classes> are encapsulated for WPF in Entity Framework (EF).

Let us know your VO environment, trying to learn DBF, if you actually only going to do SQL stuff, is a bit of a waste I believe. We will quickly get you XSharping.

First advice, get yourself a copy of ILSpy V3.x, later versions have a new introduced feature that makes it unusable for X#. Download the XSharp.Language plugin and just copy it into the ILSpy folder. Nice to look at any .NET compiled code as if it was created in X#. It also provide a decompiling option to create a Visual Studio X# Solution. This is to me the help file of .NET so to speak.

Stay in touch and enjoy the X# ride, it is worth it!
Johan Nel
Boshof, South Africa
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