OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

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OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by lumberjack »

Hi Karl-Heinz,
Karl-Heinz wrote: on GitHub i´ve found the UDC file dbcmd.xh . Wouldn´t it make sense to add it to the XSharp setup and install it in the include dir ?
https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... n/dbcmd.xh
Sorry if some of this might look a bit disjointed, with our SA electricity crisis I don't want to spend time explaining too much here, but want to focus on producing code. I can at anytime be notified the energy demand in SA surpasses supply capability, and depending the deficit end up with upto 3 x 2.5hr power shutdown blocks in a day. Luckily so far, Stage 1, SA is ok, use sparingly, we monitor but can announce Stage 2 - 5 implemented with immediate effect. It is a bit of a nightmare, but we managing...

We have a bit of spaghetti communication going on here. Matt and I are already busy with something. I have shared the Clipper *.ch files with him, hence we are both aware of the #command feature. It is just a bit early to share all the information with Matt yet, there are a couple of background processes we need to first sort out, before I will get him into "pre-proccessor programming". I have already started a separate VFP.xh for commands not covered yet. E.g. Scan / EndScan, ADD OBJECT, TEXT/ENDTEXT etc. Some of these are still very crude e.g. TEXT/ENDTEXT only understand Single Line text, but I can look at the /ppo output and see what needs to be done to make X# understand. These I will discuss with the DevTeam, how it will be understood by X# and then I write an interim wrapper "HelperUtility" in producing the desired X# syntax before saving it in the X# "Transported" target. We busy demystifying the VFP repo. First phase was Matt producing a TXT version of the VFP repo in a Vertical structure with Markers that is then used by our X# "VfpTransporter" to convert to a "X# style" repo. This is probably 80+% completed. We modifying the output slightly maybe to make the Transporter understand it easier, very similar to how XIDE store Projects/Applications/Application/References/PRG/PRGSource/......./Single line of #X statement. The single line is then evaluated and checked if it matches the X# syntax, if yes then just "dump" it in the output, otherwise convert, or mark it in a comment block e.g. "/* $$TransportISSUE$$ <vfp text */". These we need to investigate and make a decision what needs to be done. So a "Marker" could be something like "$$DecideCompareAssign$$", do we have enough info to determine VFP"x = z" means iif(Any of {IF,CASE,WHILE,UNTIL[,<rest,...>]} is contained in VFP"<line>", XS"x = z", XS"x := z"). We just need to get this logic sorted out, then we will make an announcement if the DevTeam feels it is acceptable. We might then share this in a GitHub repo to get VFP and X# community members involved in assistance. The aim, assist the DevTeam not to worry about nitty gritty stuff that we as community can sort out, focus on compiler enhancements etc. We the community, a joint venture between VFP and X#(Old Clipper/VO/Vulcan head) users will take care of those. Probably a first in the XBase world, XBase forks working together with a common goal, bring two worlds into the X# world.

Again, hats off to the DevTeam, they have provided us a platform "X# is XBase.NET".

Do you X#?
Johan Nel
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OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by Chris »

Hi Karl-Heinz,
Karl-Heinz wrote: on GitHub i´ve found the UDC file dbcmd.xh . Wouldn´t it make sense to add it to the XSharp setup and install it in the include dir ?

https://github.com/X-Sharp/XSharpPublic ... n/dbcmd.xh
Good point! I think it's by accident that it's currently not included...
Chris Pyrgas

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OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by Karl-Heinz »

Hi Chris,

maybe renamed to VOdbCmd.xh? Then a similar UDC file for our VFP friends could be named VFPdbCmd.xh ?

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Post by robert »

Karl Heinz,
I had not included the file before because the RDD system was not ready.
Will included it in the next installer.
W.r.t. the naming: I think I'll leave it like it is.
I will merge the FOX DB commands in there too and will use #ifdef to include or exclude (ir)relevant commands.

XSharp Development Team
The Netherlands

OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by FoxProMatt »

Chris wrote:
That's the easy part, isn't that already working?
Perhaps it does, but discovery of it has passed me by. It seems to be working on the Dev team side, but It is not clear to me on how to make it happen. Perhaps it's not yet in or if it is, someone needs to tell me how to wire it up.

I now that a few people in the FoxPro community have heard some noise about X# and VFP, and if they come looking at it now, they won't easily find what they have heard about.

I'm sure it's coming, and when it's ready, I'd love to make a video for my FoxPro friends to show a teaser, but I don't want to that too early, and I won't do it without the Dev team giving me a thumbs up to do so.
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OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by Chris »

Matt, I thought we were supporting all that already, but it's one file missing from the installation, the one Karl-Heinz pointed at. As Robert explained, this was not included before, because the native X# dbf support is not ready yet, but will be included in the next build.

As for VFP people looking at X#, we are not ready for that right now. We do not have yet released an X# CDX driver, so people needing it could only use it via the vulcan runtime, This is OK for some VOers, who had bought vulcan anyway so they do have access to it, but obviously makes no sense to anybody else.

For this reason, we have not reached to the VFP people yet, to try and make them test X# yet, as it is not ready for that. In just a few weeks from now, it will be a lot more ready, as people from all xBase dialects will be able to simply get X# and directly use dbf commands etc, like they are used to, without any extra external dependencies. For VFP, it will still not be ready really, as we also need to add support for the extra field types that VFP supports, which I guess will take a couple months. This will be the big first step on properly supporting VFP, and then the big task begins, to support the GUI/extra DB stuff that VFP uses.
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team

OK you've finally got me, X# is very cool!

Post by FoxProMatt »

Chris said:
... and then the big task begins, to support the GUI...
Something tells me you will soon receive a reply from Johan about this....
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