Functions in .Core vs .RT????

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Functions in .Core vs .RT????

Post by Anonymous »

What is the differentiating matter between a Function being defined in .Core vs .RT??

For instance, I notice that AllTrim() is defined in .Core... So, what makes it appear in .Core, instead of .RT?

The truth is, I guess I really don't care which one a function is defined in, but I find it a little odd have to search online in both .Core and then .RT to see if a Function is available in X#.

I'd love it if there was one master list that had every Function in .Core and .RT listed together, because then we'd have one master list to refer to, instead of two lists.
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Functions in .Core vs .RT????

Post by Chris »

Hi Matt,

There's also XSharp.VO etc :)

- The Core library, contains functions that use standard .Net types only (INTs, STRINGs, etc), like AllTrim(), Left() etc.
- The RT library introduces new types that are used in the xBase world, like untyped vars (USUALs), DATEs, ARRAYs etc and also defines functions that deal with those types (AAdd(), DToC() etc).
- The VO, XPP, (in the future) VFP etc libraries defines functions with functionality and behavior that is specifically compatible to VO, XBase++, VFP etc.

Indeed, it would had been a lot better if the docs contained all functions in "single file". Unfortunately this is not as easy as it sounds, because the help file reference is created in an automated way from a tool that reads every dll and creates the entries that you see. We have discussed about this, and it is in the todo list to actually make them all functions listed in a single list (probably by doing some post processing of the tool output), it just needs to wait after other more critical stuff are done first.
Chris Pyrgas

XSharp Development Team

Functions in .Core vs .RT????

Post by FoxProMatt »

Okay, it’s on the todo list... That’s good.

BTW - what is this tool used to pull the info from the DLLs? Something custom or perhaps an open-source tool?
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Functions in .Core vs .RT????

Post by Chris »

It's Sandcastle (, Robert can give you more info about it if you need. I'm sure there must exist more other similar tools.
Chris Pyrgas

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Functions in .Core vs .RT????

Post by robert »

Like Chris said, we use Sandcastle:

We have created a X# syntax generator for it ( ... nSyntax.cs) and have also created a "post generation" tool (that will be included as a plugin for Sandcastle later) that translates the method words in the index, TOC and references to function and which translates the internal names __Usual, __Date etc to the USUAL, DATE keywords.
We could have probably avoided the "post processing" if we were more fluent with XSL translations <g>.

XSharp Development Team
The Netherlands
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