Is it possible to access .DBC (VFP) databases through xSharp?

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Is it possible to access .DBC (VFP) databases through xSharp?

Post by pluisje »

Matt Slay wrote:
it would be nice to have a code sample that shows the exact lines of code that are required to open a DBF and loop over it to print or display a few of the fields the screen or in a simple dialog. [...] I know you were just giving basic feedback, but the "using the DBFVFP RDD" will be a mystery to VFP folks,
I second that very much!
Speaking for myself: coming from VFP and PHP (Notepad++), Visual Studio is also new to me.
So when the VFP-dialect is running, I will be looking for a small "Hello World".
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Is it possible to access .DBC (VFP) databases through xSharp?

Post by lumberjack »

pluisje wrote:Matt Slay wrote:
it would be nice to have a code sample that shows the exact lines of code that are required to open a DBF and loop over it to print or display a few of the fields the screen or in a simple dialog. [...] I know you were just giving basic feedback, but the "using the DBFVFP RDD" will be a mystery to VFP folks,
I second that very much!
Speaking for myself: coming from VFP and PHP (Notepad++), Visual Studio is also new to me.
So when the VFP-dialect is running, I will be looking for a small "Hello World".
Well depending what type of "Hello World" you looking for:

Console app

Code: Select all

  ? "Hello World"
Lets do it as a form:

Code: Select all

  VAR oForm := MyFirstXSharpForm() // Note X# understand both () and {} for object creation

CLASS MyFirstXSharpForm INHERIT Form 
  CONSTRUCTOR() // Or INIT() in the VFP language syntax
    Size := Size(100, 100) // In the VFP syntax assignment can also be done by "="
    Text := "My first XSharp Form"
    BackColor := Color.Blue
    VAR btn := Button()
    btn.Text := "Close"
    btn.Location := Point(5,5)
    btn.Click := MyButtonClick
  METHOD MyButtonClick(o AS OBJECT, e AS EventArgs) AS VOID
    MessageBox.Show("Good bye my first X# form")
END CLASS // Also understand ENDDEFINE
Ok, I know this is not 100% complete, but hopefully gives an idea to VFP users not yet trying to do anything in X#.
Johan Nel
Boshof, South Africa
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Is it possible to access .DBC (VFP) databases through xSharp?

Post by lumberjack »

Hi Matt,
FoxProMatt_MattSlay wrote: Once the release is publicly available, it would be nice to have a code sample (maybe a new blog post) that shows the exact lines of code that are required to open a DBF and loop over it to print or display a few of the fields the screen or in a simple dialog. Just a simple code example that VFP users can see the X# code and even copy-paste it onto a project and see it run.
With the public GA to be released soon, here is a bit of "DBFVFP" background.

First thing, one need to understand the pre-processor. In that context the following from the X# include folder in the file dbCmd.xh:

Code: Select all

#command USE                            => dbCloseArea()

#command USE <(db)>                                                     ;
             [VIA <rdd>]                                                ;
             [ALIAS <a>]                                                ;
             [<new: NEW>]                                               ;
             [<ex: EXCLUSIVE>]                                          ;
             [<sh: SHARED>]                                             ;
             [<ro: READONLY>]                                           ;
             [INDEX <(index1)> [, <(indexn)>]]                          ;
      => dbUseArea(                                                     ;
                    <.new.>, <rdd>, <(db)>, <(a)>,                      ;
                    if(<.sh.> .or. <.ex.>, !<.ex.>, NIL), <.ro.>        ;
                  )                                                     ;
      [; dbSetIndex( <(index1)> )]                                      ;
      [; dbSetIndex( <(indexn)> )]
The trick to see how the command is translated into a function call is the optional VIA part. That allows us to tell the system what driver we want to use. There are a couple of surprises that this allows us to do using the Replaceable Database Driver (RDD) concept:

Code: Select all

USE "c:blahblah" VIA "DBFVFP"
USE "c:blahblah.csv" VIA "DELIM" FIELDS {{"Name", "C", 10, 0}, {"LastName", "C", 30, 0}}  DELIMITER ","
There is also a function RddSetDefault("DBFVFP") that we can use at startup to set the default RDD if we want to omit the VIA clause.

Hope this is of interest to some.
Johan Nel
Boshof, South Africa
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