According the VFP help:
- All Set() string identifiers are reserved words, so they can be abbreviated to 4 chars.
- It´s not possible to change a setting with the Set() function. This must be done with the SET commands.
- some settings require a additional - position - param
? Set ("Device") -> <STRING> SCREEN, PRINTER, or FILE
? Set ("Device" , 1 ) -> <STRING> cFileName
? Set ("Device" , "1" ) -> <STRING> cFileName
- logical return values are displayed as "ON"/"OFF"
My first idea to scan the array returned by enum.GetNames( TypeOf (XSharp.Set)) to detect the full name of a abbreviated word is not a good idea, because XSharp.Set contains the identifiers of all dialects. Let´s say, XSharp.Set contains these identifiers
Code: Select all
MEMBER Compare := 888
MEMBER Compatible := 666
Code: Select all
? Set ( "comp" )
Code: Select all
LOCAL nSetting AS XSharp.Set
IF Enum.TryParse( cFullIdentifierName , TRUE, OUT nSetting )
uRet := XSharp.RT.Functions.Set(nSetting)
would return the value of the wrong setting. Any ideas how to find the full name of a abbreviated word ? Sure, i could create my own scan list, but i prefer a cleaner solution ?