I think I clearly explained why this is too much work. The readme.txt says:Chris wrote:Hi Dick,
Oh, come on now, how much time does it take to copy one dll file in 3 folders in the disk?
The problem with creating complete installers just for such small fixes is that a new installer needs A LOT of testing,
To install:
- Register XSharp.Core.DLL in the GAC
And not: copy it to
If that was in the readme.txt I wouldn't even have posted this.
Sorry to hear that your installer procedure is so complicated. I would say that every installer just collects the files and possible settings so 1 changed DLL creates exactly the same setup as before with only that DLL changed.
And about the GAC, fortunately I have never needed to hack the GAC for anything or ask users of my software to do the same. I once had to clear it I remember because Windows was using an old version of a DLL if I remember correctly, because of the GAC. Which proves that the GAC is one of the many failures Microsoft invented.